Find Your Confidence and Be Bold - Excerpt from "Wake Up to the Joy of You"
by Agapi Stassinopoulos
Excerpt from "WomanCode"
by Alisa Vitti
1-800-GO-INSIDE - An Excerpt from "Unbinding the Heart"
by Agapi Stassinopoulos
A More Meaty Mary (An excerpt from
"REVEAL: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked)
by Meggan Watterson
Job vs. Calling (an Excerpt from 'The Law of Divine Compensation')
by Marianne Williamson
Excerpt from "Mama Glow"
by Latham Thomas
Getting Positive Energy to Go Viral on the Energy Internet
by Martha Beck
with Goldie Hawn
by Marianne Schnall
In Times of Outer-World Overload, Take an Inner Time-Out
by Marianne Schnall
Sisterhood & The Stars: My Disjointed Life as a Feminist Astrology Columnist
by Ophira Edut
Reclaiming the Crossroads
by Alice Walker
A Well in the Desert
by Linda Kay Klein
Excerpt from Devotion: A Memoir
by Dani Shapiro
in Yourself! A Self-Care Strategy
by Cheryl Saban, PH.D.
Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith
by Irshad Manji
Urgent Message
from Mother
by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Loving Your Tree
by Nina Utne
with Alice Walker
by Marianne Schnall
Leaps of Consciousness
by Gloria Steinem
The New
Reuniting the Head, the Heart & the Body
by Jane Fonda
Women, Power & Peace
by Sister Joan Chittister
Fight Misuse of Religion
to Oppress Women and Girls
by Marianne Schnall
Interview with Buddhist
Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
by Marianne Schnall
to the Great Mother:
Taking Back the Wisdom of the Feminine
by Gail Straub
The Power of
by Johnnetta Cole
Conscious Femininity
by Marion Woodman
Interview with Seneca Elder Grandmother Twyla Hurd Nitsch
by Margaret Wolff A
Gender Jihad for Islam's Future
by Asra Q. Nomani
"What God Means
to Me"
by Jazmin, 12 years old
To Build a Dialogue:
An Excerpt from Faith & Feminism: A Holy Alliance
by Helen LaKelly Hunt
We are the Ones
We Have Been Waiting For
by Alice Walker
Gift of Change
by Marianne Williamson
Feminism's Spiritual
by Pythia Peay
with Maya Angelou
by Marianne Schnall
Inner Space:
The Spiritual Frontier
by Margot Adler
Sixty (Excerpt from My Life So Far)
by Jane Fonda
Photographs by Jennifer Esperanza and Cory
Verellen |