About This Column:
‘We have the wherewithal sisters to bring life out of death!’
—Bishop Yvette Flunder
What does social transformation look like in and for the twenty-first century? What are the capacities leaders need in order to realize their full potential and possibility as change agents committed to ushering in a new era of deep justice and empowerment for all? And what are the unique insights, strategies and practices women of faith and spirit bring to bear on these questions?
This column will engage these issues from a variety of angles, allowing the perspectives of women across lines of faith, race, class and generation to shape not only the conversation about leadership, but to cultivate and unleash new models of activist engagement that will equip them to embody the kind of bold, spiritually grounded and innovative leaders needed to bring healing and wholeness to our broken world.
Every woman can lead.
Women can change their neighborhoods.
Women can change institutions.
Women can change the world!
Let the resources, riffs and reflections in this ongoing series show you how.
Lisa Anderson is Director of Women’s Multifaith Programs at Auburn Seminary. Her work focuses on identifying the specific leadership needs and challenges women face. A trained theologian, Lisa holds Masters of Divinity and Masters of Philosophy degrees from Union Theological Seminary. Currently she is a Union Ph.D. candidate in systematic theology specializing in Christian doctrines and liberation theologies. Lisa has taught Black, Womanist and LGBT theologies, Christian ethics and liturgy, and she has designed and led seminars on the connection between faith and social justice. She is a regular ‘Our Inner Lives’ contributor at Feminist.com.
