We are the Ones We Have
Been Waiting For
By Alice Walker
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from Alice Walker’s We
Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time
of Darkness, first published by The New Press, November
1, 2006. Reprinted by permission of The Wendy Weil Agency, Inc.
Copyright 2006 by Alice Walker.
is the worst of times. It is the best of times. Try as
I might I cannot find a more appropriate opening for this volume:
it helps tremendously that these words have been spoken before and,
thanks to Charles Dickens, written at the beginning of A
Tale of Two Cities. Perhaps they have been spoken, written,
thought, an endless number of times throughout human history. It
is the worst of times because it feels as though the very Earth is
being stolen from us, by
us: the land and air poisoned, the water polluted, the
animals disappeared, humans degraded and misguided. War is everywhere.
It is the best of times because we have entered a period, if we can
bring ourselves to pay attention, of great clarity as to cause and
effect. A blessing when we consider how much suffering human beings
have endured, in previous millennia, without a clue to its cause.
Gods and Goddesses were no doubt created to fill this gap. Because
we can now see into every crevice of the globe and because we are
free to explore previously unexplored crevices in our own hearts
and minds, it is inevitable that everything we have needed to comprehend
in order to survive, everything we have needed to understand in the
most basic of ways, will be illuminated now. We have only to open
our eyes, and awaken to our predicament. We see that we are, alas,
a huge part of our problem. However: We
live in a time of global enlightenment. This alone should
make us shout for joy.
is as if ancient graves, hidden deep in the shadows of the psyche
and the earth, are breaking open of their own accord. Unwilling
to be silent any longer. Incapable of silence. No leader or people
of any country will be safe from these upheavals that lead to
exposure, no matter how much the news is managed or how long
people’s grievances have been kept quiet. Human beings may well
be unable to break free of the dictatorship of greed that spreads
like a miasma over the world, but no longer will we be an inarticulate
and ignorant humanity, confused by our enslavement to superior
cruelty and weaponry. We will know at least a bit of the truth
about what is going on, and that will set us free. Perhaps not
free in the old way of thinking about freedom, as literal escape
from enslavement in its various forms, but free in our understanding
that our domination is not a comment on our worth. It is an awesome
era in which to live.
It was the poet June Jordan who wrote "We
are the ones we have been waiting for." Sweet Honey in the
Rock turned those words into a song. Hearing this song, I have
witnessed thousands of people rise to their feet in joyful recognition
and affirmation. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for because
we are able to see what is happening with a much greater awareness
than our parents or grandparents, our ancestors, could see. This
does not mean we believe, having seen the greater truth of how
all oppression is connected, how pervasive and unrelenting, that
we can "fix" things. But some of us are not content
to have a gap in opportunity and income that drives a wedge between
rich and poor, causing the rich to become ever more callous and
complacent and the poor to become ever more wretched and humiliated.
Not willing to ignore starving and brutalized children. Not willing
to let women be stoned or mutilated without protest. Not willing
to stand quietly by as farmers are destroyed by people who have
never farmed, and plants are engineered to self-destruct. Not
willing to disappear into our flower gardens, Mercedes Benzes
or sylvan lawns. We have wanted all our lives to know that Earth,
who has somehow obtained human beings as her custodians, was
also capable of creating humans who could minister to her needs,
and the needs of her creation. We are the ones.
June Jordan,
who died of cancer in 2002, was a brilliant, fierce, radical,
and frequently furious poet. We were friends for thirty years.
Not once in that time did she step back from what was transpiring
politically and morally in the world. She spoke up, and led her
students, whom she adored, to do the same.
We were not friends
who saw each other often; not the kind of friends who discussed
unpublished work. In fact, we sometimes disagreed profoundly
with each other. We were the kind of friends, instead, who understood
that we were forever on the same side: the side of the poor,
the economically, spiritually and politically oppressed, “the
wretched of the earth.” And on the side, too, of the revolutionaries,
teachers and spiritual leaders who seek transformation of the
world. That any argument arising between us would be silenced
as we turned our combined energy to scrutinize an oncoming foe.
I took great comfort in this reality. It seems a model of what
can help us rebalance the world. Friendship with others: populations,
peoples, countries, that is, in a sense, impersonal.
Many people
are already working on this model. They are the ones who go to
places like Afghanistan and Iraq and place their bodies between
the bombs of the United States and the infrastructure of the
local water supply. They are the ones who collect food and medicine
for those deprived. The ones who monitor the war(s) and report
news that would not otherwise be heard. They are the ones who
feel no joy at another’s defeat. No satisfaction at another’s
fact, the happiness that imbues this kind of friendship, whether
for an individual or a country, or an act, is like an inner light,
a compass we might steer by as we set out across the lengthening
darkness. It comes from the simple belief and understanding that
what one is feeling and doing is right. That it is right to protect
rather than terrorize others; right to feed people rather than
withhold food and medicine; right to want the freedom and joyful
existence of all humankind. Right to want this freedom and joy
for all creatures that exist already, or that might come into
existence. Existence, we are now learning, is not finished! It
is a happiness that comes from honoring the peace or the possibility
of peace that lives within one’s own heart. A deep knowing that
we are the Earth—our separation from Earth perhaps our greatest
illusion—and that we stand, with gratitude and love, by our planetary
Excerpted from Alice Walker’s We
Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time
of Darkness, first published by The New Press, November
1, 2006. Reprinted by permission of The Wendy Weil Agency,
Inc. Copyright 2006 by Alice Walker.
ALICE WALKER is known for her literary fiction,
including the Pulitzer Prize-winning The Color Purple (now
a major Broadway play), her many volumes of poetry, and her powerful
nonfiction collections. Her other bestselling books include In
Search of Our Mothers' Gardens, The Temple of My Familiar, Possessing
the Secret of Joy, By the Light of My Father's Smile,
and The Way Forward Is With a Broken Heart. We
Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Inner Light in a Time of
Darkness is her latest book. www.alicewalkersgarden.com
Related links:
Reclaiming the Crossroads
Conversation with Alice Walker by Marianne Schnall