The New Feminism:
Reuniting the Head, the Heart & the Body
By Jane Fonda
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following is a transcript of the keynote speech delivered by
Jane Fonda at the 3rd Annual Women & Power
Conference, organized by Omega
Institute and V-Day in
September 2004. To order the CD of this speech or to purchase
other CDs from this event, please click
has been an emotional three days. I don't think I'm the only one
that has been filled with tears. They are tears of joy. When our
bodies become tuning forks, vibrating with words spoken by sisters
that enter us and hum with truth. Tears of realization not only that
we are not alone, but that we are one.
Tears of recognition that all of us are on a journey and none
of us have arrived at a destination. It's not just me. It's all
of us.
Tears of relief to know that the path isn't supposed to be straight
or easy or even. It's not just me that stumbles against obstacles.
Gloria still does. Marion still does. And even Sister Chittister
does. When my daughter read the brochure for this conference, she
said, 'Oh, mom, its it's so New Age. Yoga, meditation. Inner peace.
I thought it was going to be political. The elections are two months
away.' Well, I understand her reaction. I would have had that reaction
when I was 35. Or 45. Or 55.
Before I realized that if I was going to become an effective
agent for change, I had some healing to do. And that things that
we consider New Age, like music and dance and painting and drama
therapy and prayer and laughter can be part of the healing process.
I know that it was while I was laughing when I first saw Eve Ensler
perform The Vagina Monologues that my feminism slipped out
of my head and took up residence in my body. Where it has lived
ever since ... Embodied at last.
Up until then I had been a feminist in the sense that I supported
women. I brought gender issues into my movie roles. I helped women
make their bodies strong. I read all the books. I thought I had
it in my heart and my body. I didn't. I didn't. I didn't. It was
too scary. It was like stepping off a cliff without knowing if
there was a trampoline down below to catch me. It meant rearranging
my cellular structure. It meant doing life differently. And I was
too scared. Women have internalized patriarcy's tokens in various
ways, but for me I silenced my true authentic voice all my life
to keep a man. Because God forbid I should be without a man. Preferably
an alpha male. Because without that, what would validate me.
And I needed to try to be perfect because I knew that if I wasn't
perfect, I would never be loved. And as I sat on the panel yesterday,
my sense of imperfection became focused on my body. I hated my
body. It started around the beginning of adolescence. Before then
I had been too busy climbing trees and wrestling with boys to worry
about being perfect. What was more important than perfect was strong
and brave. But then suddenly the wrestling became about sex and
being popular and being right and good and perfect and fitting
in. And then I became an actress in an imaged focused profession.
And being competitive, I said, 'Well, damn. If I'm supposed to
be perfect, I'll show them.' Which of course pitted me against
other women and against myself. Because as Carl Jung said, perfection
is for the Gods. Completeness is what we mortals must strive for.
Perfection is the curse of patriarchy. It makes us hate ourselves.
And you can't be embodied if you hate your body. So one of the
things we have to do is help our girls to get angry. Angry. Not
at their own bodies, but at the paradigm that does this to us,
to all of us. Let us usher perfection to the door and learn that
good enough is good enough.
There's a theory of behavioral change called social innoculation.
Maybe some of you have daughters. Social innoculation. It means
politicizing the problem. Let me tell you a story that explains
this. In one of the ghettos of Chicago, young girls weren't going
to school anymore. And community organizers weren't going to school
anymore and they found out they didn't have the right Nike Jordan
shoes. So the organizers did something differently. They invited
all the boys going to school into the community center and they
took a Nike Jordan shoe and they dissected it. They cut off one
layer of the rubber and they said See this? This is not a God.
This was made in Korea. People were paid slave wages to make this,
robbing your mothers and fathers of jobs. And he cut off another
slice. And so it went. Deconstructing the Nike Jordan sneaker so
the boys would understand the false god that they had been worshipping.
We need to name the problem so that our girls can say, 'It's not
me and we're going to get mad.'
We also have to stop looking over our shoulder
to see who is the expert with the plan. We're the experts. If
we allow ourselves to listen to what Marion Woodman calls our
feminine consciousness. But this has been muted in a lot of us
by the power centered male belief center called patriarchy. I
don't like that word. The first night Eve spoke about the old
and new paradigm and never said the word. I guess I'm too canvenous.
It's so rhetorical. It makes people's eyes glaze over. It did
for me. The first time I ever heard Gloria Steinem use it back
in the '70s, I thought, "Oh, my God, what
that means is men are bad and we have to replace patriarchy with
matriarchy.' Of course, given the way women are different than
men, maybe a dose of matriarchy wouldn't be bad, maybe balancing
things out. My favorite ex-husband Ted Turner -- maybe some of
you saw him say it on Charlie Rose. Men, we had our chance and
we blew it. We have to turn it over to women now.
But I've come to see that it's not about replacing one archy
with another. It's about changing the social construct to one where
power and its talisman, money, is not the chief operating principle.
Now, governments -- there's this dual journey that we're on. There's
the inner journey, this New Age stuff which is critical and the
outer journey. Let's talk about governments first. Governments
normally work within the power paradigm and governments play a
central role in making us who we are. An empathic government encourages
a caring government. A greedy government leads to a greedy maybe.
A government that operates from a might makes right place creates
a nation of bullies. Envied perhaps by the rest of the world for
its things, but hated for its lack of goodness.
I first noticed this phenomenon of government when -- many years
ago I was making a movie in a little town in Norway and there was
a party scene. It was Ibsen's Doll House. It took three
days to shoot and I had a lot of chance to spend time with the
local people and I kept thinking there's something very different
about these people. It's -- what can it be? There's no hard edges.
And as I began to talk to them I realized it's because they felt
seen by their government. They felt valued. They mattered. Pregnant
women got free milk. There was maternity leave. All the things
that make women's and men's lives easier was addressed by their
government. The only time I saw this addressed is Michael Moore's Bowling
For Columbine. He asks this very interesting question. The
Canadians have the same T.V. shoes and video games and more guns
per capita, but they're not violent. Of course we don't lock our
doors. Are you kidding? And then he interviews three or four teenagers
in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant. They look just like
ours, tattooed and pierced and everything like that. But they don't
lock their doors. And they said to him, of course health care is
our birthright. And of course we are taken care of. By our government.
And that's the difference. He didn't spell it out explicitly, but
that's the message.
I never told these stories in a context like this, but I'm going
to tell you two stories.
I went to Hanoi in 1972 in July. And I was there while my government
was bombing the country that had received me as a guest. And I
was in a lot of air raids. And I was taken into a lot of air raid
shelters. And I noticed that every time I would go into a shelter,
including one which was in a hospital because I had a broken foot,
so I was with patients in an air raid shelter during a bombing
raid. And the Vietnamese people would look at me and ask the interpreter
-- probably they thought I was Russian -- who was this white woman.
And when the interpreter would say American, they would get all
excited and they would smile at me.
And I would search their eyes for anger.
I wanted to see anger. It would have made it easier if I could
have seen what I know what I would have in my eyes if I were
them. But I never did. Ever. and one day I had been taken several
hours south of Hanoi to visit what had been the textile capital
of north Vietnam that was raised to the ground and we were in
the car and suddenly the driver and my interpreter said, 'Quick,
get out!" All along the road
there are these manholes that hold one person and you jump in them
and you pull kind of a straw lid over to protect you from shrapnel
if there's a raid. I couldn't even hear bombs coming because they
weren't raid. I was running down the street to get into one of
these holes and suddenly I was grabbed from behind by a young girl.
She was clearly a school girl because she had a bunch of books
tied with a rubber belt hanging over her shoulder and she grabbed
me by the hand and ran with me in front of this peasant hut. And
she pulled the straw thatch off the top of the hole and jumped
in and pulled me in afterward. These are small holes. These are
meant for one small Vietnamese person. She and I got in the hole
and she pulled the lid over and the bombs started dropping and
causing the ground to shake and I'm thinking, this is not happening.
I'm going to wake up. I'm not in a bomb hole with a Vietnamese
girl whom I don't know. I could feel her breath on my cheek. I
could feel her eye lash on my cheek. It was so small that we were
crammed together.
Pretty soon the bombing stopped. It turned
out it was not that close. She crawled out and I got out and
I started to cry and I just said to her, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
And she started to talk to me in Vietnamese. And the translator
came over.
She must have been 15, 14. And she looked
me straight in the eye and she said, "Don't be sorry for
us. We know why we're fighting. It's you who don't know ..."
Well, it couldn't have been staged. It was impossible for it
to have been staged. And I thought this young girl who says to
me it's you -- you have to cry for your own people because we know
why we're fighting. And I'm thinking this must be a country of
saints or something. Nobody gets angry.
Several days later I'm asked to go see a production of a play
-- a traveling troop of Vietnamese actresses is performing. It's
Arthur Miller's play, You Are My Sons. They want me as an
American to critique it to say if the capitalists are really the
way they look. Two toned saddle shoes and a polka dot tie and I
was like, OK, that will work. It's a story about a factory owner
who makes parts for bombers during the second world war. He finds
out that his factory is making faulty parts for the bombers, which
could cause an airplane crash, but he doesn't say anything because
he doesn't want to lose his government contract. One of his sons
is a pilot and dies in an airplane crash. The other son accuses
a -- attacks his father for putting greed and self-interest ahead
of what was right. Well, I watched the play and I kept thinking
why are they -- why are they -- there's a war going on. Why are
they performing All My Sons, a Vietnamese traveling troop
of actors in North Vietnam. And I asked the director, "Why
are you doing this?"
And he said, "We are a small country. We cannot afford to
hate you. We have to teach our people there are good Americans
and there are bad Americans. So that they will not hate Americans
because one day when this war ends, we will have to be friends."
When you come back home from a thing like
that and people talk about enemy, you think, "Wait a minute. Will we ever have
a government here that will go to such sophisticated lengths to
help our people not hate a country that is bombing them?"
This is the kind of government -- and I don't want to romanticize
the Vietnamese -- it has not turned out -- although we spend billions
of dollars in tourist money over there.
Anyway, this is what I mean by the role of a government. This
wasn't an accident that people didn't look at me during a war with
hatred in their eyes. Their government taught them to love and
to separate good from evil. That to me is a lesson that I will
never ever forget.
So there's a dual journey to be taken. There's an inner journey
and an outer journey and there's no conceptual model for the vision
that we're working for. There's no road map for the politics of
love. It's never happened.
Women have never yet had a chance in all of history to make a
revolution. But if we're going to lead, we have to become the change
that we seek. We have to incubate it in our bodies and embody it.
When you think about it all the most impactful teachers, healers,
activists are always people who embody their politics. I'm going
to tell you another story. I have been living in France for eight
years from 1962 to 1970 and I decided to leave my -- not my favorite
ex-husband, but my first ex-husband and come home to be an activist.
And I realized that in order to do that properly, I had to get
to know this country of mine again. And I decided that I was going
to drive across the country for two months. It was during the spring
of 1970. And as I was driving, Nixon invaded Cambodia. Four students
were killed at Kent State, two at Jackson State, 35,000 National
Guard were called out in 16 states and a third of the nation's
campuses closed down. I was arrested five times. But when I think
back over those difficult two months, none of that is what I remember.
I remember a woman who was on the staff of a GI coffee house
in Texas near Fort Hood. Her name was Terry Davis. And the moment
I was in her presence, I sensed something different. It wasn't
something I had been missing because I didn't know it existed.
But I felt different in her presence. Because she moved from a
place of love. She saw me not as a movie star, but as a whole me
that I didn't even know existed yet.
She was interested in why I had become an activist and what I
was doing to get involved in the movement and we were planning
an upcoming demonstration and she asked my opinion. And she included
me in all the decisions to make sure I was comfortable. This was
-- this was very new for me. I was 31 years old. I made Barbarella.
I was famous. But this was new to me. I saw the same sensitivity
and compassion in the way she dealt with the GIs from Fort Hood
at the coffee house. Unlike others in the peace movement at that
time she didn't judge the young men who were on their way to Vietnam.
She knew most of them were from poor rural or inner city situations
and had no good alternatives.
It was my first time experiencing a woman's leadership and it
was palpable, like sinking into a warm tub after a cold winter.
It was also my first time experiencing someone who embodied her
politics, who tried to model in her every day life the sort of
society that she was fighting for. She fought not only against
the government that was waging the war and depriving soldiers of
their basic rights, she also fought against the sexism, the power
struggles and judgmentalism within the movement itself. During
that difficult two month trip, it was this time spent with Terry
that stands out most deeply. A harbinger of the new world beyond
isms and archies that I could envision because of her. She was
in her power.
I chaired the campaign for adolescent pregnancy prevention, so
I can't talk about power without talking about choice. You know,
I used to wonder how is it that the so called pro-lifers show so
much concern for the fetus, the fertilized egg growing inside the
woman, but so little concern for the woman herself. Or even for
the child once it is born.
And then I realized it's because this whole issue has nothing
to do with being pro-life or pro-fetus. It has everything to do
with power and who has it.
Throughout history many of the most patriarchial regimes and
institution -- Hitler, Pinoche, the Vatican, Bush, have been the
most opposed to women controlling their reproduction. The life
of the fetus is only the most recent strategy. In other countries
at other times it's been national security, upholding the national
culture. There have been many strategies.
But we have to understand reproduction and sexuality are keys
to women's empowerment. Child bearing and child rearing is a --
they're complex undertakings that can't be decided by a medical
doctor or by policy makers or aging bishops. Celibate on top of
Because that makes a woman an object. It dismisses her knowledge
about her own body and her own life. And instead of enhancing her
dignity and self-respect it belittles and disempowers her. Robbed
of her reproductive health and contraceptive decision making, a
woman loses an essential element of what it means to be human.
We have to hold this reproductive choice as a basic human right.
I want to talk about men for a minute. Because it's important
-- one of the things as I've been through three marriages now and
I'm writing my memoirs so I thought deeply about the marriages
and my husbands and my father and I feel it has made me love them
even more because I have come to realize that patriarchy is toxic
to men as well as women. We don't see it so clearly because in
some ways it privileges them and it's kind of - well, men will
be men. That's the way things are ... But it's why men split off
from their emotions. Why the empathy gene is plucked from their
hearts. Why there's a bifurcation from between their head and their
The system that undermines the notion of masculinity, what it
means to be a real man, is a poison that runs deep and crosses
generations. Fathers learn the steps to the non-relational dance
of patriarchy at their father's knees and their fathers probably
learned it at the grandfather's knees. So the toxins continue generation
after generation until now. We have to change the steps of the
dance for ourselves and for our children.
Gloria Steinem said in one of her books that we need to change
patriarchal institutions if we are to stop producing leaders whose
lives are then played out on a national and international stage.
About four years ago I got to know Carol Gilligan. She is a feminist
psychologist who transformed the landscape of psychology. It was
like, oh, yeah. Women are left out. We better put them in. It's
just fascinating.
I just want to touch on it very briefly. What I learned, which
helped me understand my own life a lot better and the lives of
the girls that I work with, it's when girls reach puberty that
the damage begins. Up until then we -- you know, if you can remember,
if you can think and remember how fiesty before and owned your
voice. And then this thing happened and we lose it. And of course
teaching our girls to maintain resistance and not go underground
with it is critical. And it's so important for mothers to own our
power because, I mean, I've had a very difficult relationship with
my daughter and I know why. I'm like her rehearsal. I'm the one
that's showing her what it's going to be like. And what did she
see? She saw me giving away my power. Marriage after marriage after
relationship. And she's been pissed all her life.
So it happens to us at 12, 13, 14. But Carol Gilligan has three
sons like Sally. So she cares about boys. And she's researched
boys. And she and her colleagues -- you know what they discovered?
The damage is done to boys around age five when they enter formal
schooling. One out of ten young boys age five and six are on Ritalin
in this country. It's when they -- it's not even so much the parents
are saying anything specific to them. They're entering the world
and the message is, don't be a a sissy or a mama's boy. Forget
your emotions. They become emotionally illiterate.
Understand what that means as activists. Of course girls are
the agents of change. You don't have to scratch very deep for us
to say that's damn right. Man, I remember when I was ten and it
wasn't like that at all.
But for boys, it's always been that way. They can't remember
a time when they weren't entitled, when they weren't supposed to
be this way, you know. They're at a tremendous disadvantage. And
we have to hold that in our hearts and especially those of us that
have young sons or in my case grandson -- my grandson is five and
he just entered kindergarten and you don't think I'm vigilant?
They need -- they need this combination of complete unconditional
love and a lot of structure. But they have to be witnessed. They
have to be seen. Some adult has to be present for them. And talking
about the heart and about emotions to allow our young boys to come
up and be worthy of our daughters.
So I want to say something about patriarchy
and nature. I was on the board of the Turner Foundation. It was
too hard, but my heart is still there because -- I don't know.
I mean nature is us. Get this book. Barbara Kennedy just wrote
this book called the "War Against Nature". And it talks
about how the Bush administration is the worst administration
in terms of our environment. Every agency -- every agency that
is supposed to protect our environment is now headed by someone
who runs a polluting industry. And it was on NPR the other day
and he told the story. In the Tongass National Forest, there
were trees alive when Christ walked the earth. There are five,
six, seven hundred year-old cypress and cedar that have been
valued at $20,000 on the stump that are being sold to the Alaska
Pulp and Paper Company for $1.89. This is 100 percent Japanese
owned. The trees are cut down and with the bark still on them
they're shipped to Osaka Bay in Japan and they are stacked three
stories deep underwater. Bobby Kennedy saw them because the Alaska
Pulp and Paper Company gave a million dollars to the Bush administration.
I mean this is our irreplaceable national treasure. This is what
our children will be able to -- should be able to witness and revere
in nature. And it's going, going, gone to some company that gave
money to Bush. So that's another thing that we have to fight against.
I'm fascinated by this link between control of nature and control
of women. It's very old, you know. Back in the 15th, 16th century,
9 million women were put on a rack or burned because they were
different. At that same time Frances Bacon, who is called the father
of reason -- he's the one who came up with knowledge is power --
that was his line -- and he said we must put nature on the rack.
Interesting. They were doing it to women and they said we have
to do it to nature. And I'm on a spiritual quest, and so when I
began to read the Agnostic Gospels, specifically the ones found
in 1945 in the deserts of Egypt, in one of them there's a new version
of the Garden of Eden myth and it was an epiphany for me. And I
understood why in the fourth century bishops had to say this is
going to the Bible and this isn't. These books will not go in the
Bible and they're going to be destroyed. Only some very brave monks
put them in urns and vases and they've now been translated. Of
course one of the things they say is God is in all of us. That's
very radical because it means you don't need hierarchy; right?
You don't need bishops. We contain it within ourselves. But then
listen to this version of the Garden of Eden. I felt like someone
had said welcome home.
God looks down -- God looks down and sees Adam, man. And he says
something is missing. All atoms and molecules are there and everything,
but there's no consciousness. And so he sends down Eve, life, consciousness.
The feminine spirit, light. She is dropped down and quickens the
body of Adam into what today is our unique species. We are the
only species who can observe the universe. We can be observers.
I always wondered how come. Why? It's the feminine spirit. We didn't
cause the downfall of man. We weren't an after thought. We quickened
him into being. This incredible species that can observe God's
That was when I really understood what Marion keeps talking about
when she talks about the feminine consciousness. And robbing us
of this by saying Eve caused the downfall, it has cut us off from
our life source, from our Eve. God intended for there to be a balance.
That's why there's no archy. A balance between man, strength,
balance, assertiveness -- very important things to have. And a
woman, fluid in the present, connected to earth, intuitive, chaotic.
Every human being has both of those. We live in a matrix that combines
those elements. And the danger is when it gets out of kilter. And
where the masculine rises to the detriment of the feminine in an
individual, in a nation, or in the world. What happens, then, war,
lust, power, denigration of what's sacred.
So our task is to bring back the balance. In ourselves, in our
families, our communities, and in the world.
It's so hard because patriarchy has been around so long that
we just think that's life. It's ordained. An argument can be made
that there was a time in history when it was necessary to build
civilizations out of societies that were hunter gatherers. Somebody
has to be in charge.
But you can also make an argument that that paradigm has -- it's
not only outlived its usefulness. It's become -- it's destroying
everything. It's destroying balance. It's destroying nature. It's
destroying men. It's destroying women. So our task is to bring
back balance. Our task is to elect the least patriarchal guy.
I vote for the one that says that terrorism has to be dealt with
with sensitivity myself. And you know why? Because it's true.
All the experts terrorism say you have to
understand why young men want to blow themselves up. What is
the cause of it? Before the conference started we were talking
about this issue and John Kerry has been made fun of by Cheney
because he said we have to be sensitive. But she said you know,
supposing we had a president that would actually get a hold of
Osama and said, "Let's talk."
Remember the example she used about Gorbachev and Reagan. And for
those of you who weren't here the first night -- there was suddenly
this thing happened where the arms race was turned around, was
stopped. And someone asked Gorbachev what happened between you
and Reagan. And he said we talked. Talking. There's a chemical
change that happens when people really show up for each other.
Imagine what would happen if we just sat down with Osama and said,
'OK. Now, tell me what's the problem?' And we really -- it would
be totally disarming, you know. It would be great.
You have to see a movie called What the Bleep Do I Know.
It's playing to theaters in New York City. It's a tiny independent
company out of Portland putting this out. It's about quantum physics,
Judeo-Christian theories and change. One of the theories is, it's
an experiment done by a Japanese scientist. It's true. The character
in the movie played by Marlee Matlin, the wonderful deaf actress,
she's in a subway and sees these huge vials of water and with photographs
-- with photographs over them. The first one explains the vial
of water was taken from a large body of water in Japan and the
cells were photographed through a microscope, just random. And
they look very random. The second photograph was taken of the water
cells when they had been blessed by a Buddhist monk. They were
like snow flakes. They had reformed themselves into these beautiful
structures because they had been blessed. And then there was another
photograph of the cells where overnight the words "I love
you" had been taped to the water. and again, they were beautiful.
They had changed again into these wonderful shapes. And then there
was another one where the words had been taped "I hate you.
I want to kill you." And the cells looked like knives. They
were jagged and they were ugly and they were dangerous. and this
man comes -- this is true. This man comes up to her and says, it
makes you think, doesn't it? You know, if a thought can do that
to the cells of water, think what it can do to you.
And there's another story that's told -- I didn't know anything
about this. In 1993 in Washington D.C, 4,000 people came from all
over the world to meditate. And they met with the police department
in D.C. and they said we're going to meditate and the violent crime
rate is going to drop. The police chief said, are you crazy? In
Washington in the summertime? It would take two feet of snow to
reduce the crime rate. Well, it did. 4,000 people from all over
the world meditated for a week. And the violent crime rate dropped
25 percent. And the police were blown away. Totally blown away.
What this says is change is so mysterious and we must not lose
hope. Embodiment, intentionality can make the difference if there's
enough of us. That's why this conference is so important. If we
can communicate through our hearts and souls and bodies what has
happened to us today, that cellular change that has taken place
-- do you feel it? Yeah. If you can transfer that to the people
you're going back to, we're going to become a tipping point. You
know, what we're seeing now is the balance so out of kilter, so
barnacled with the wrong kind of power and lust. But think about
what happens to a wounded beast. It's always right before the beast
dies that it becomes the most dangerous. And it thrashes and flails.
But most of us who have been here today know that right beneath
the surface, a great tactonic shift is taking place.
I'll tell you why I know it. Have you ever been to Yellowstone
National Park? My cousin has. Yellowstone is the place in the world
next to Siberia where the earth's crust is the most thin. Where
the molten interior of the earth pops out. Old Faithful is the
most well known example of this. But if you walk through the park
you can see steam rising above the trees and over here mud bubbling
up from cracks and crevices in the crust. I've travelled all over
the world. Sometimes with Eve. Sometimes on my own. But I've seen
the steam. And I've seen the mud bubbling up. And it's women and
men all over the world that are starting to come through those
cracks and crevices. It's an army of love and that's what we have
to be. We have to ripen the time and turn that steam and those
bubbles into a volcano. So let's be a volcano. Thank you. Thank
you very much.
We're going to end this in prayer. We want to go out on a prayerful
keynote speech was delivered by Jane Fonda at the 3rd Annual Women & Power
Conference organized by Omega
Institute and V-Day in
September 2004. To order the CD of this speech or to purchase
other CDs from this event, please click
Fonda is known worldwide as both an actress and an activist.
Throughout her life she has devoted herself to the anti-war,
civil rights, environmental, and women's movements. Her work
on stage and screen earned numerous nominations and awards, including
Oscars (Best Actress in 1971 for Klute and in 1978
for Coming Home) and an Emmy for her performance in The Dollmaker.
Along with starring roles in dozens of highly acclaimed productions, Fonda also
took on responsibilities as a film and television producer. Her credits include Coming
Home, The China Syndrome, Nine to Five, Rollover, On
Golden Pond, The Morning After, and The Dollmaker.
Fonda revolutionized the fitness industry with the release of Jane Fonda's Workout
in 1982. She followed with the production of 23 home exercise videos, 13 audio
recordings, and five books selling 16 million copies all together. The original
Jane Fonda's Workout video remains the top grossing home video of all time.