Feminism's Spiritual Wave
By Pythia Peay
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by Cory Verellen |
This article originally appeared in Utne
On September 11, 2001, California psychotherapist Kathlyn Schaaf
was overwhelmed by a powerful thought. Watching the violent images
on television, she suddenly felt the time had come to “gather the
women.” She wasn’t alone. Schaaf and 11 others who shared her response
soon created Gather the Women, a Web site and communications hub
that 5000 women have used to chronicle their local events in support
of world peace. As women assembled near the pyramids in Egypt and
held potluck dinners in Alaska, staged candlelight vigils and other
rituals in countries around the world, it confirmed Schaaf’s gut
instinct that an untapped reserve of energy “lays like oil beneath
the common ground the women share.”
Since then, the group has organized a series of congresses to
connect women’s groups. Their work is one example of a new kind
feminism, slowly growing for a decade and now bursting out everywhere.
At its heart lies a new kind of political activism that’s guided
and sustained by spirituality. Some are calling it the long-awaited
“Fourth Wave” of feminism—a fusion of spirituality and social justice
reminiscent of the American civil rights movement and Ghandi’s
call for nonviolent change. This phenomenon is most visible in
the popular conferences organized by women spiritual and religious
leaders. Just as important are those meeting privately to meditate
and pray, to study the world, and to support each other in social
action. These gatherings share a commitment to a universal spirituality
that affirms women’s bonds across ethnic and religious boundaries.
They’re also exploring a new feminine paradigm of power that’s
based on tolerance, mutuality, and reverence for nature that have
long been identified with women—values they now see as crucial
to curing the global pathologies of poverty and war.
Previous advances in American feminism have rarely happened smoothly;
the gains of one generation have often both shaped and conflicted
with the ambitions of the next. First-wave feminists fought for
women’s suffrage. Led in the 1970s by icons like Gloria Steinem
and Betty Friedan, a second wave pushed for economic and legal
gains. Their ideals would eventually clash with the spirited individualism
of third-wave feminists, women in their 20s and 30s who still advocate
for women’s rights while embracing a “girlie culture” that celebrates
sex, men, gay culture, and clothes.
But as never before, today’s conservative political environment
has united women across the feminist spectrum. The result differs
from earlier forms of feminism in several ways. For one, it espouses
a new activism based not in anger, but in joy. It also tends to
be focused outward, beyond the individual to wider issues, often
global in scope. In the words of author Carole Lee Flinders, “feminism
catches fire when it draws on its inherent spirituality,” which
means something else can happen as well. “When you get Jewish,
Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, and Sufi women all practicing their
faith in the same room,” she recently said, “another religion emerges,
which is feminine spirituality.”
Though Flinders and other writers have been calling on women
to reconnect with the sacred for years, many agree that the tipping
point was 9/11. Before then, a women’s spirituality conference
called Sacred Circles, held biannually at Washington National Cathedral
in the nation’s capital, had focused on personal spirituality.
More recently, however, program director Grace Ogden said she felt
compelled to use the gatherings to address religious violence.
“There was this sense of something gone terribly wrong, she said,
“of communities splitting apart and a growing suspicion of people
of Arab descent or other traditions.” Her planning committee has
since become more interfaith than in the past. Recent Sacred Circles
conferences have stressed the role of compassion and tolerance
in addressing political, economic, and religious differences.
Appalled by the lack of women in positions of religious authority
on 9/11, Dena Merriam, a New York arts writer and public relations
executive, joined others trying to form an international network
of women religious leaders from the major faiths. On October 2002,
they launched the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and
Spiritual Leaders in Geneva, Switzerland. Associated with the United
Nations, the initiative wants to get religious leaders more involved
in UN peace-building plans. Specific programs aim to help young
woman of different faiths to communicate in places in like Jerusalem
that have been torn by conflict.
Merriam, the group’s convener, said that one of women’s strengths
in peace work stems from their greatest weakness—their long exile
from authority inside mainstream institutions. “Suddenly women
are beginning to realize that their outsider status is an asset,”
she said, leaving them free to act directly, outside institutional
lines. Many women are following the fate of UN Resolution 1325,
which, if passed, will mandate that women be involved in all peace
Feminism’s new direction was perhaps most
striking at the Women & Power
conference, sponsored by the Omega Institute and V-Day in New York
City last September. The 3000 attendees heard celebrity feminists
like Jane Fonda, Sally Field, and Gloria Steinem herself note the
shift. Playwright Eve Ensler, founder of V-Day, a movement to stop
global violence against women and girls, addressed the need to
change the face of power. Today, she said, our power is seen in
terms of “country over country, tribe against tribe.” The new paradigm,
however, has to be about power “in the service of,” collaboration
not conquest.
The free-flow of creative expression at
these assemblies marks a radical departure from the church coffees
of our mother’s era. Like making a quilt from bits and pieces,
participants often join together in fashioning new rites and
rituals from ancient traditions, shaping forms at once old and
new. Organizers at the Women & Power
conference draped one room in carpets and labeled it the “Red Tent”
area, evoking the Jewish ritual popularized by the book of that
name. Elizabeth Lesser, a co-founder of the Omega Institute, said
the room was like “an ancient gathering place where women were
laughing, crying, brushing each other’s hair, praying, and meditating.
It seemed to satisfy women’s deepest longings and was spiritual
in a very feminine way.” At gatherings big and small, many are
realizing that putting themselves in the service of the world is
feminism’s next step. Especially at a time when the United States
is viewed with increasing distrust by other countries, feminism’s
shift cultivating a spiritually informed activism may help to repair
our diplomatic ties. No less important is the special depth that
comes from quiet reflection closer to home. As Carole Lee Flinders
notes, a “serious spiritual life with a strong inward dimension”
is crucial in itself, releasing the energy that can turn visionary
feminist theory into action.
Meanwhile, as feminism allows more women to reach positions of
power in American culture, increasing numbers have discovered that
material success does not satisfy their hunger for meaning and
connection. Women are becoming increasingly clear and vocal about
the need to integrate an emerging set of feminine-based values
into the culture. As the Democratic Party searches for a guiding
set of values, they might consider turning to the women’s spirituality
movement for inspiration.
Written by Pythia Peay. This article originally appeared
in Utne Magazine.
Pythia Peay serves on the organizing committee
of Sacred Circles in Washington, D.C. She is the author of Mercury
Retrograde (Tarcher/Penguin, 2004) and Soul Sisters: The
Five Sacred Qualities of a Woman’s Soul (Tarcher/Penguin, 2002).
Visit Pythia Peay's web site at www.pythiapeay.com.
For more information on women and spirituality, visit www.utne.com/web_special/.