I am a 16-year old student
and I'm really angry at somethings
my dad and family doctor have
said. Firstly, I told my doctor
that I was doing poorly in my
math class. He said that the
reason was probably because
men seem to be better at math
and sciences than women. Do
I have the right to be angry,
or am I overreacting? Also,
my dad and I had an argument
about whether a woman would
be capable of being a garbage
collector. He thinks that "men
are built differently than women"
and that I'd never be able to
be a garbage collector. I told
him that if a woman built herself
up and was strong and healthy,
then she'd probably be able
to perform any job that a man
could. What do you think? Am
I again overreacting? Sincerely,
Thanks for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
And you are certainly justified
in your frustration and your
anger. Historically, because
people didn't want to believe
that women could be good at
math and sciene, they were shut
out from these fields and thus,
men did do better in math and
science. However, now we are
beginning to see more equality
in these areas--just as more
men are being encouraged in
English and the arts (areas
that women have traditionally
been encouraged in). So I think
that time will tell, that given
equal access and equal encouragement--women
and men are equally capable
in math and science.
And as for women being garbage
collectors--my measure is that
if you can find one exception
to every rule, then you can
begin to disprove this presummed
assumption. For instance, as
with the above, women haven't
been told they could be garbage
collectors, so they don't think
that they can be. I would imagine
that they are a few female garbage
collectors (just as there are
a few female body builders)
and thus - women are capable
of it, it's just that they aren't
told this is something that
they can do, so getting them
to do it is a huge leap forward.
I hope that helps--and I hope
that your anger and frustration
fuel you enough to pursue whatever
you want in the face of your
father and your family doctor's
limited vision - good luck.