Dear Friend, was founded in 1995, as a few women and I gathered around the kitchen table in my New York City apartment. The web was pretty new back then (at the time only 15% percent of Internet users were women), and we wanted to tap into its amazing power to offer people around the world access to information about human rights, women's issues, health, anti-violence resources, grassroots activism, women's businesses, and pretty much anything that could possibly support a world where men and women are allied, empowered and equal.
Over 25 years later, we're proud to be what Gloria Steinem dubbed "the folks who put the dot-com in feminism." (In fact, I was honored to share a special evening with longtime supporters Gloria Steinem and V (formerly Eve Ensler) at our 15-year anniversary celebration. Click here to check out pictures from the event, along with Gloria and V's inspiring speeches.) You can also see pictures and watch video from our 20th anniversary conference featuring a range of exciting speakers and visit our FemSalon Series section for photos and video from other special events and salons!
It is hard to believe that celebrated its 25 year anniversary in 2020. As we reflect on our work over the past 25 years and look towards our future, we are excited to report we are planning a "re-imagining" of the site! has always played a unique and much needed role as a trusted convener, hub and connective tissue of feminist voices and organizations, one that aims to serve the collective movement and foster much needed collaboration. Since our founding in 1995 when we offered the first web presence for groups like V-Day, the Ms. Foundation, Girls Inc. and Equality Now, we have worked to amplify, support and bring together the work of other organizations, which too often operate in silos. More than ever, with so many critical issues to address, and an opportunity to rebuild in more equitable and just ways, we need to seize the narrative, uplift diverse voices and organizations, and come together to feel the power of our collective movement, and harness the energy of those who want to participate in the change that is needed. Thank you to everyone who has supported over the years. We are excited about leveraging the powerful opportunity to use our iconic url and history as a trusted resource to provide a space to unify and uplift the diverse voices and organizations of the feminist movement; to provide a feminist context and lens to understand the issues and news of the day through a diversity of lens and viewpoints; and to connect people to further resources, groups and actions.
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Marianne Schnall Founder
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