My name is Rebecca and I am
a full time college student
at SJSU. I have recently been
assigned a presentation topic
on Women in the Workplace, no
more glass ceiling. I really
would appreciate ny information
you can give me that I can share
with my classmates to better
inform them. I will be presenting
this both orally and in written
form, but our instructor has
only given us 10 - 15 minutes
to present this in. There are
so many topics to cover, but
what is the most important to
me, is to cover main topics
that will have a lasting impact
that will educate the class.
would like to start off with
a historical point of view.
I would like to go back almost
to the hunters and gathers period
where men were the gathers because
they were stronger and the gathers
were the women because we were
not quite as strong. I would
like to go on to why each gender
was placed in their categories,
such as, women staying at home
and not having an education
and cleaning and having babies
while the men were out working
and "bringing home the bacon."
Then I would like to go onto
how women have "evolved" or
broken into the manly dominated
workforce. How we did it, why
we did it, and what is preventing
us from equality? The I would
like to conclude with where
we see women going in the next
say...10-20 years. My belief
is that we will have our first
female president of the US within
the next 20 years. My instructor
(who happens to be a male) feels
that I am proabaly right. He
seems pretty excited about this
topic that we were assigned
to present and I hope not to
let him down, the classroom
down, or myself. If you can
help me with any of these topics,
it would be greatly appreciated.
I enjoyed reading the Q & A
to Gloria and some of the other
articles on this web page. Please
respond if possible. With many
thanks!!! Regards, Rebecca :)
(By the way, my instructor thinks
this is a great way to get info.)
for your note to Feminist.com--and
I'm probably too late for your
report. If not, I think everything
you are saying is right on target.
Two organizatios you might want
to reach out to for the research
questions: 9to5,
The National Association Of
Working Women and Catalyst.
The latter deals with "executive
women" and has lots of information on breaking the glass ceiling,
whereas the former is more about
the sticky floor of the pink
collar ghetto. So they should
help with the past and present.
As for the future, I think that
where we need to place emphasis
is changing the value of work.
For instance--many people wrongly
assume that feminism is about
inserting women into men's roles
and vice versa. However, when
you think of the reality of
that, you realize that that
couldn't possibly be feminism's
goals. Instead, we need to reach
equality by changing the value
system--for instance, valuing
work done in the home and not
over inflating any profession
that is 70% male and underinflating
any profession that is 70% female.
I hope you can follow me and
I hope this helps. Good luck
with your presentation. From
what I can tell, you will do
a great job.