for your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
good luck in advance on your
research paper. You should have
no problem proving that women
are still unequal in the workplace.
To find information to support
your point--that women are in
very few positions of power
and/or executive positions--my
first suggestion is that you
contact Catalyst,
which is an organization devoted
to working with women in these
"higher level" positions.
Besides researching this end
of your equation, I also think
it is important to document
that women also make up the
majority of low-wage jobs. Even
though a few women have "broken"
the glass ceiling, there are
still too many women "stuck"
to the sticky floor of the pink
collar ghetto. If you look at
any profession that is more
than 60% female--it is a lower-wage
job. Vice versa, if a profession
is more than 60% male it is
likely to be a more respected
job. To find this breakdown
by profession, you can contact
the U.S.
Department of Labor. Also,
there are numerous other resources
listed throughout the work
section here at Ask Amy.