am writing with a few questions
and hope that you might be able
to help me. I am a professional
retail manager and while I was
still an assistant I was denied
equal salary. Actually, they
took some of my initial salary
away and then when I became
a manager, the corporation hired
a male assistant for me, and
although our backgrounds were
quite similiar, they offered
him considerably more money,
even though the reasoning they
gave me for taking my salary
back was because assistants
weren't supposed to make that
I have had more than one potential
run in with this company from
sexual misconduct to being denied
equal advancement opportunities
all of which I have swallowed
in order to advance my career.
I am also hispanic, and after
looking at the overall make-up
of this companies structure,
I am noticing that they in no
way meet with any amount of
equal representation either
a fair percentage of female
management, upper management,
nor do they meet a fair representation
of other minorities in these
tell you all of this because
I am writing in hopes of securing
from you some information on
business start up grants for
women and minorities. I have
searched the Internet and although
I have found sites that lend
itself to such, all of them
want you to purchase a book
and then the search starts all
over again. If at all possible,
could you please either send
me information on specific grants
or grant agencies for minority
women wanting to start a business
or direct me to where I might
find these specific grants.
I have been in management for
10 years now, and I am tired
of my ideas becoming the atta-boys
of my bosses...who always happens
to be male. I have every confidence
that I can become a shining
success if given the opportunity,
and have an idea on a business
in dire need, that I know would
be an absolute success. I look
foreward to your response....and
thank you very much! Sincerely,
so sorry to hear that you are
being unfairly paid at work.
Though I'm glad that you have
decide to do something about
it. If you look through past
Ask Amy's here under
the Work
section you will see many
references to organizations
that help women start their
own businesses. For instance,
the Small Business Administration
has lots of information, including
information geared toward women
and "minorities." (You might
try their Office
of Women's Business Ownership).
Also, there is a group in New
York City called the Women's
Venture Fund - perhaps they
could direct you to similar
groups in your neighborhood
In Chicago, there is also Connie
Evan's program The Women's
Self-Employment Project
(312-606-8255), which has been
recognized by President Clinton
as a model program. Those are
my first suggestions. You might
also take a look at our Women's
Careers and Professional Organizations
section of links and resources.
On another note, though I think
it's great that you are possibly
going to leave, I want to encourage
you to formally file something
with the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
to document the blatant sex
discrimination. If it's not
you, it will continue to be
someone else until your employers
know that they can no longer
repeat this pattern.
Good luck on both counts and
thanks again for reaching out.