mom works(ed) in a spa where
she is required to wear a white
uniform. Her boss tried to force
all his employees to buy more
uniforms ($19 each) from him
and to have them turn in dirty
uniforms on a daily basis to
have them cleaned solely through
the spa. This would be at an
additional $3.50 per uniform.
This was not going to be an
option but a requirement. My
mom tried to talk to him to
tell him that she can't afford
it. This argument happened in
front of many of her coworkers.
She made him change the policy
to apply only to people that
have had complaints on their
next day he called her up to
his office. When she went he
told his secretary to step out
for a second. He pretty much
threatened my mom by telling
her that if she ever defied
him in front of the employees
again she would be fired. He
told her that he was going to
be watching everything she did
and for the smallest thing she
did wrong he was going to fire
her. My mom was very sad and
humiliated because for more
than 3 years she has been one
of his best employees. She is
going to quit and find another
job at a spa closer to home.
I don't think that any of the
things he did were legal. Starting
with trying to force his employees
to spend more money for what
I believe were totally selfish
reasons; and second for threatening
my mom. I don't think my mom
should move on as if nothing
has happened. In the future
he might try to do the same
thing and no one will stand
up to him, and if they do he
will threaten them again. But
I don't know what her rights
are in this situation. - Janet
for your note to Feminist.com
and for looking out for your
mother. When I read your note,
I immediately thought of Gloria
Steinem's article--"I Was a
Playboy Bunny," in which she
talks about how they would hire
these bunnies at a "decent salary"
then they would charge them
a rental fee for their uniforms,
a daily cleaning fee and make
them buy new nylons every day.
That was written in 1963--and
times still haven't changed.
to your mom, I am not a legal
expert and, therefore, can't
say definitively what resources
your mother has/doesn't have.
From what you have described,
however, she should have some
resource. However, it doesn't
seem like she would want to
stay and work there anyway.
Regardless her attempts to change
an injustice environment will
improve it for others eventually.
The best first step is to call
the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
and see if they have guidelines,
etc... Because this is a government
agency, a quicker route might
be via 9to5,
the National Association of
Working Women, which has an 800 job problem line. I hope
that helps your mom. Let me
know if you need further suggestions.
Good luck to you and her.