for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and congratulations on your
promotion. Feminists have always
fought for equal pay for work
of equal value--and your situation
certainly falls under this.
Although "technically" this
sounds like "discrimination"
there are so many things at
play that could be used to justify
why this is so--i.e. they have
more years experience, they
have been with the company longer,
etc..... However, you won't
know until you try, so I suggest
that if you know for certain
that you are making less than
your subordinates that you address
it with those who are in a position
to do something about it. If
you want to find information
to support your case--you could
call the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission
to get their guidelines. I hope
this helps and I hope you know
that your initiative could certainly
pave the way for others. Good