I write a column on workplace
issues for my local newspaper.
I would like to write a column
on the evolving role of women
in business in this nation.
I read in USA TODAY that one
third of all American businesses
are now owned by women. I am
curious as to what that number
was in say 1950, 1960, 1970
and 1980. The article in USA
TODAY cited several reasons
why women owned companies are
prospering, not the least of
which was women are more compassionate,
thereby fostering better relations
with their employees. Any help
you could give me on this topic
would be appreciated.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
For information on women owned
businesses, you might want to
contact: the National Foundation for Women Business Owners,
or the Business Women's Network, both
of which are linked to FEMINIST.COM
under our
Women's Careers and Professional
Organizations section at.
If you can't find anything through
these suggestions, please let
me know and I will try to think
of other suggestions - good
luck with your search and with
your story.