I found your pages for
the first time today and I am
glad. I write from Prague, Czech
Republic. That is Europe. I
am an undergraduate student
at Charles University and I
would like to do a social research
on housework in Prague in double
career families. I am interested
to know if there is such a research
done in the US and if could
possibly get it and how. Or,
and this would be the best,
if there is a book covering
this topic or in the US or in
Europe that could be translated.
In Czech Republic the gender
studies or feminist studies
are still in diapers (literaly
translated Czech expresion).
Thanks for your help, Diana
glad you found us. I have a
few suggestions on where to
find information on work and
family and what is referred
to as "the shift shift." Arlie
Hochschild has researched this
and written about it in her
book--The Second Shift.
You can order this through the
Bookstore. Also in New York
City, there is the Families
and Work Institute--330
East 7th Avenue, NY, NY 10001
(212) 465-2044. There is also
the work of Hazel Henderson,
Marilyn Waring and Gloria Steinem's
article--"Revaluing Economics"
in her book Moving Beyond
Words. You can order these
through the FEMINIST.COM