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I am a Business Major at Whitworth College in Spokane, Washington. In our Organizational Behavior class our team has decided to do our term paper on managing change in a corporation. I have seen some commercials on TV on equal opportunity for employing women. As support towards resisting change we were wondering if you had any visuals or tape on managing the change in hiring an increase in women into business. Would you or could you advise us in a way in which we may get some video clippings of your emotional commercials?

It would be essential towards our group focus on the dramatic changes involved in downsizing and investing jobs overseas to LDC's. Our group project will be reviewed by our class and seen across the business department. It would provide you a plug-in towards Women in the Corporate world. Would you please reply ASAP. Thank you, Harry

I think that Loden Associates (E-mail: mail@loden.com or 415-435-8507), which is a consulting firm that deals with feminist issues in the corporate world--particularly with helping men to see and be sensitive to gender dynamics, would be a great place for you to start. I think they use video in their presentations/workshops and, therefore, think that you should contact them. As per "some video clippings of your emotional commercials" I have no idea what you are referring to.

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