Thank you for your note to Feminist.com.
Your note was also forwarded
to the National
Center on Pay Equity, so
you may be hearing from them,
My most immediate thoughts are
that the public sector is subject
to much more regulation on every
issue than the private sector.
For one, the public sector has
the entire U.S. population to
hold them responsible and accountable,
whereas the private sectors
has only their constituency
and their consumers. We also
can't forget that money talks--so
those lucrative companies in
the private sector often get
away with a lot because people
fear holding them accountable.
It's a power play. Personally,
I think the realization that
1.) it's the right thing to
do and 2.) that it benefits
everyone involved is what it
is going to take for us to have
pay equity in the private sector.
It requires naming the problem
and speaking out honestly about
it. It is also going to take
a lot of pressure from consumers.
We allow them to get away with
it, by not using our collective
power to change it.