morning! I was wondering if
you may be able to direct me
where to go. I'm in process
of developing a non profit project
for the homebound population.
Are there any grants available
for women wanting to start a
What resources are there for
writing business plans, etc?
I have looked at your resource
pages and I don't really see
anything around that. Could
help me! Thank you! - Patti
for your note and congratulations
on your latest endeavor. There
are certainly grants available,
but there are also small business/micro-enterprise
loan funds for this type of
work. The best places to turn
for more information are:
The Ms.
Foundation for Women,
whose collaborative loan fund
has helped low-to-middle income
women start home and community
based business from child
care to basket weaving. They
have also funded the Cooperative
Home Care Associates (349
East 149th Street, Bronx,
NY 10451), which trains low-to-middle
income women to work with
homebound people. This may
be just the model you need
to start your work.
In your home state, there
is Women Venture, which
provides expertise, low-interest
loans and basic support to
women who want to start their
own businesses. (WomenVenture;
2324 University Avenue, St.
Paul, MN 55114).
The Women's Self-Employment
Project (312-606-8255).
Good luck and I hope the above
helps to point you in the right