The fight for pay equity--or
comparable worth--began in this
country in the late 1800s in
the unions. During WWII there
was an acknowledgment of "comparable
quality and quantity of work."
However, this "fight" wasn't
formalized until the 1963 Equal
Pay Act, which was won mostly
as a result of the hard work
of the Women's Bureau. However,
because this legislation was
about equal work rather than
comparable worth--it applies
only to men and women in exactly
the same job, and doesn't change
the pay structure for certain
professions of comparable skills
or doesn't allow for employers
making up titles for the same
skilled jobs--so people could
get away with paying men more
if they were an "associate"
and women less as "managers."
It all comes back to semantics.
Today, feminists are still
struggling for better, more
inclusive legislation--that
which truly is comparable worth--equal
pay for work of equal value.
I hope that helps.