The effect of the Glass Ceiling
on women is measurable in so
many different ways. For instance,
not only does this effect their
"status" and their pay scale,
but then it ultimately affects
their children, too. The Glass
Ceiling is used to describe
the reality of the workplace,
which is that women are kept
out of higher positions. However,
it is more than that. For starters,
not all women want to climb
a corporate ladder, and that
is what the Glass Ceiling mostly
refers to. However, all women
want to be valued for the work
that they do it--and in order
to do this, one, we need to
rethink what jobs women get
slated into and two, what about
the large percentage of women
whose job is to raise their
children--this is a job that
goes unreported as such.
So, in dealing with the Glass
Ceiling we have to consider
an entire restructuring of worklife.
Also the Glass Ceiling creates
a class ceiling--and women get
stuck in low wage jobs that
has a ripple effect throughout
their lives. Now that I have
rambled about my two cents--you
should read the work of Arlie
Hochschild, who talks about
the "second shift" for women.
And also reference the work
of Catalyst--a
group devoted to women in executive
I hope that helps.