I am doing a project on how
mens teams have a higher salary
then womens, and i was just
wondering if you could give
me any information on something
called Title IX. (title 9).
My teacher told me that it was
about how there are unequal
amounts of scholarships for
men and women. I would greatly
appreciate any information.
Thanks, Blair
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Title IX is a part of the 1972
Education Act Amendment, which
says that women and men should
be treated the same (in athletics,
extra-curricular activities,
etc...) This means that because
of this act every public school
must commit the same amount
of money to programs for girls
and boys. It also means that
it must provide the same opportunities,
meaning that as many sports
teams you have for men, you
have to have the same number
for women. For instance, if
your school has a football team,
which is a male sport, it's
likely to have a field hockey
team, which is a female sport.
And it must commit the same
amount of money to all girls'
sports program and all boys'
sports programs.
this is the law- and this is
legally what schools are supposed
to do - unfortunately, not all
schools follow the rules. This
means that many schools have
been sued for being in violation
of Title IX.
I hope that helps Blair, but
write back if you need more