1968 protest of the Miss America
Pageant in Atlantic City New
Jersey, was essentially the
first public event of the Women's
Liberation Movement or the Radical
Women's Movement. Feminists
who had been organizing against
male oppression in their own
communities and their own lives
came together at this public
event to voice their "rebellion"
in a public manner and to rally
against the greatest symbol
of female oppression - beauty
pageants. It was at this rally/march,
which took place on the Atlantic
City Boardwalk that the term
"bra-burner" was coined. They
had organized a "freedom trash
can" where women were to throw
symbols of female oppression:
Cosmopolitan magazine,
girdles, fake eye lashes, bras,
etc. The idea was to then burn
these things. However, they
couldn't get a fire permit,
so no burning took place. You
can read more about this is
the following books: Daring
to be Bad and Susan
Brownmiller's most recent memoir.
Good luck - and I hope that