my name is Nicholas and I am
a student at Penn State University.
Currently I am enrolled in a
Women's Studies course. I need
to find 80 distinguished women
or feminists of the last century.
If you could point me in the
right direction or give me some
examples it would be greatly
appreciated. - Nick
for your note to Feminist.com.
To help you find 80 distinguished
women of the last century, here
are a few books that I recommend
you reference:
- Black
Women in America--an
encyclopedia of black women
in America edited by Darlene
Clark Hine
- The
American Woman's Almanac
by Louise Bernikow--which
has references to women's
history as well as individuals
who played a role in women's
- Famous
American Women edited
by Robert McHenry.
should be able to find most of
these books at the Feminist.com
A few of my favorite women from this century are: