I am a third grade teacher in
Mobile, AL. I am writing several
feminist organizations in order
to complete a project with my
Our grade level will learn about
and perform a program relating
to the 1940's and 1950's in
American History. I am concerned
that they learn that women played
important roles in our history.
However, I am discouraged to
find that there are very few
mentions of women who influenced
our history in the books that
we have read so far.
I was hoping that someone who
works with your site could send
me a few names of women who
made contributions during this
time period. Inventors, scientists,
artists, writers, and those
who were politically important
would all be of interest to
Any information, ideas, or suggestions
you could send to me would be
greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much for you
time. Sincerely, Jan
you for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I want to first say that I think
it's great that you are filling
in the gaps of American History
for your students. If every
teacher realized these gaps,
soon we would hopefully have
a more complete and honest American
There are several women who
were active in the 1940s and
50s. I have included a brief
sampling, but I think it would
be most helpful if you had some
reference books, which I can
recommend. If it's not possible
to purchase books, I would gladly
send a few to you as a gift.
Let me know. And, in the interim,
here are a few pioneering women
from that time:
- Eleanor
Roosevelt--not only was
she First Lady, but she created
the Declaration on Human Rights,
which just celebrated it's
50th Anniversary at the United
- Esther
Peterson--who passed away
just last year, was an advisory
to every President from Roosevelt
through Clinton. She was a
pioneering in consumer affairs
and she was the first president
of the Presidents Commission
on the Status of Women under
Kennedy. She pioneered nutritional
labels on food packages.
- Nora
Neale Hurston, a novelist
whose work is actually from
earlier in the 20th century,
but was nearly lost and only
rediscoverd in the 70s.
- Margaret
Sanger began her crusade
for legalized birth control
around 1914, but continued
fighting through the 40s and
So, there is a sampling, but
you really should look at other
books, such as:
- Herstory:
Women Who Changed the World,
edited by Ruth Ashby and Deborah
Gore Ohrn.
- Scholastics
Encyclopedia of Women in American
- The
American Woman's Almanac
by Louise Bernikow.
You can find most of the above
books in the "Women's History"
section of the FEMINIST.COM
Also, the National
Women's History Project
not only lists other books/collections,
but also biographies of individual
I hope that helps--and I hope
other teachers follow your lead.