My name is Katie and I am
doing an essay on American women
who have contributed to society.
Her impact must have occured
prior to 1950. I am trying to
find a woman who is not well
known. My hopes are that with
this essay, she will become
known. Can you give me any suggestions
on who to write about or where
I could look? Thank you very
much for you time, and any help
you can give! - Katie, age 14
Thanks for your note and for
welcoming suggestions. There
are so many "unknown" women
in history, that I honor your
work to try to make them known.
Here are a few suggestions
that you may or may not know
- Victoria Woodhull,
who was the first woman to
have a brokerage house on
Wall Street and the first
woman nominated for President
of the U.S. Both of these
things occured in the 1880's.
- Mrs. Frank Leslie--she
was the Queen of publishing
row in the late 1800's. She
had to keep her husband's
name after he died because
people didn't take her seriously
as a woman.
- The Delaney Sisters,
who wrote a book Having
Our Say. They are
crusaders in their everyday
- Sarah Josepha Hale
was born in 1788 and was responsible
for persuading Abraham Lincoln
to declare the first Thanksgiving
in 1864. She was also the
author of "Mary Had A little
Lamb" and for 40 years edited
the Ladies Magazine,
the first literary magazine
for women. She was also a
fervent opponent of slavery.
You could also do someone
like Pochohantus or Sachagawea---the
real story, not the one we always
hear about. I hope this helps--and
let me know if you want more