am writing a motivational book
focusing on the achievements
of women, and would appreciate
your advice and assistance.
The book will essentially consist
of a collection of two page
profiles honouring specific
women and their achievements.
(Each two-page profile will
consist of a pencil drawing
on one page and a documentary
comment or prose on the other.)
Fundamental objectives of the
book are; to inspire people
and especially women, to follow
their dreams, to realize their
ambitions and to comfort those
going through tough times. Another
objective of the book is to
serve as a potential catalyst
towards rectifying the gender
bias in recorded history. Analysis
of the ratio of references of
the achievements of women in
biographical dictionaries, encyclopedias
and even popular media; clearly
highlight the fact that the
achievements of women do not
receive appropriate recognition.
This is especially sad in view
of the exemplary integrity and
humane qualities that are frequently
associated with the achievements
of great women. (Many famous
men's deeds are linked to war,
abuse of power, inequitable
accumulation of wealth, and
destruction of the environment.
In contrast, many famous women's
achievements are associated
with challenging and addressing
the consequences of these deeds.)
Any advice or suggestions will
be appreciated. Which women
do you think should be included
in the book? A very provisional
list include the following women
Jane Addams, Susan Anthony,
Elizabeth Arden, Hannah Arendt,
Margaret Atwood, Jane Austen,
Brigette Bardot, Ingrid Bergman,
Sarah Bernhardt, Mary Bethune,
Elizabeth Blackwell, Judy Blume,
Anne Boleyn, Laura Bridgman,
Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte,
Margaret Burbridge, Sarah Caldwell,
Maria Callas, Julia Cameron,
Rachel Carson, Maria Chapman,
Cher, Lydia Child, Madonna Ciccione,
Cleopatra, Maureen Connolly,
Charlotte Corday, Evonne Goolagong
Craley, Marie Curie, Pauline
Cushman, Betty Davis,Paulina
Davis, Doris Day, Emily Dickenson,
Marlene Dietrich, Jacqueline
Du Pre, Isadora Duncan, Amelia
Earhart, Gertrude Ederie, Abigail
Foster, Anne Frank, Elizabeth
Fry, Gretha Garbo, Judy Garland,
Lady Godiva, Germaine Greer,
Katherine Hepburn, Barbara Hepworth,
Catherine Howard, Joan of Arc,
Angela Kauffmann, Helen Keller,
Selma Lagerlof, Dorothy Lange,
Mary Lease, Gypsy Lee, Vivien
Leigh,Sophia Loren, Clare Luce,
Vera Lynn, Mata Hari, Barbara
Mcclintock, Margaret Mead, Golda
Meir, Lise Meitner, Liza Minelli,
Maria Mitchell, Marilyn Monroe,
Maria Montessori, Grandma Moses,
Lucetia Mott, Florence Nightingale,
Annie Oakley, Georgia O'Keeffe,
Dorothy Parker, Anna Pavlova,
Pocahontas, Mary Quant, Ayan
Rand, Jeannette Rankin, Vanessa
Redgrave, Nelly Sachs, Lucy
Stone, Sharon Stone, Meryl Streep,
Barbra Streisand, Mother Teresa,
Marie Vigee-lebrun, Marilyn
Waring, Betty Williams, Mary
Thank you, Alf Aldum B.Sc.