My name is Monica and I happened
upon your web site while I was
looking for information on Eleanor
Roosevelt. I decided that I
would e-mail your facility to
see if you would happen to have
any information that could be
useful to my research. For the
past 4 years I have continued
a study on Eleanor and plan
to enlarge my research to other
women activists so that other
young women at my school and
throughout my town, state, and
country can benefit from my
research after I finish my own
web site. I would greatly appreciate
a reply or any information on
Eleanor. Thank you.
for telling us about your research.
It sounds great--especially
because I'm a big fan of Eleanor
Roosevelt. The best place that
I know of to get information
about Eleanor Roosevelt is The
Eleanor Roosevelt Center
at Val-Kill. This is a non-governmental,
non-profit organization that
operates from the home of Mrs.
Roosevelt at Val-Kill, Hyde
Park, New York. Its primary
purpose is to promote human
rights through programs focussing
on racial harmony, women and
children's rights and empowerment,
community involvement and the
promotion of peaceful resolution
of conflicts. Contact them to
learn more -- and hopefully
to help with your report:
PO Box 255
Hyde Park, NY 12538
(914) 229-5302
fax (914) 229-0742
email: [email protected]