Thanks for
your note to FEMINIST.COM--and
what a question.
If you look back a hundred
years to 1897, the status of
women was very different. This
was the midst of the suffragist
and abolitionist era. What these
women fought for and eventually
won, however not until the early
1900's--were basic rights for
women. Their goals--I would
assume--were to secure basic
human rights for women--the
right to vote, to own property
and to inheritance. These rights
were eventually secured by the
1920's. The next phase of feminist
activity focused on labor organizing--better
conditions for women; better
choices and better wages--and
also access to birth control,
which was illegal until the
1960's. During this time we
also saw the emergence of women
in the political field--so I
would assume that that was a
goal of this time, too. From
this wave of feminism, we moved
into the current wave of feminism,
which began in the 1970s. At
this time women were fighting
for laws to protect them and
to have an equal place in all
levels of society.
Most of the above has been
accomplished--however, women
still have too few choices available
to them and they continue to
be at an unequal place in society.
I think a current goal for feminism--besides
working on all of the above--is
that by now we have proved that
women can do what men can do--now
we need to have men doing what
women can do. Hopefully, this
combination will bring us to
a more equal place.