I am looking for the answers
of a few questions concerning
Betty Friedan's book The
Feminine Mystique. I
haven't read the book yet but
I have it on order. Question
1. Can some one define "the
Feminine mystique" in Betty
Friedan's eyes? Question 2:
How long has it been around,
(when did it emerge in our society
- American) and what groups
were/are affected by it?
Do you know if a review
of the book is on the WWW? If
so, where because I would like
to read it before I start the
book. Thank You, Lisa
I haven't read the Feminine
Mystique, but I did study
parts of it in a woman's history
class and have certainly heard
about its impact through my
work in recent years. I think
that what Friedan was proposing--was
that many white, middle-class
suburban married women were
not as "happy and content" as
they were perceived as being.
In fact, many of these women
wanted to be "liberated" from
the constraints of their role
solely as "wife and mother."
The book was published in 1963.
However, what Friedan was saying
was not necessarily "new information"
but she was the first to publicly
voice the feelings that these
white, middle-class suburban
housewives had been feeling
for years. Then and now this
book seems to speak to the women
for whom it was written. Sorry,
I couldn't be more helpful and
good luck--Amy
P.S. I don't know of anything
on the WWW about Friedan, but
as a founder of NOW you
may want to contact the NOW
website for more information.