Over the last few weeks, girls from South Africa, the United States, and Zimbabwe have come together for a workshop production of Eve's best-selling new work Emotional Creature in Johannesburg. Witnessing this process has been a unique and moving experience for V-Day, and has made clear the fierce power of V-Girls! V-Day is producing this workshop production as the first stage in the theatrical journey of the play.
Directed by Obie Award-winning director Jo Bonney, the South African production features an eclectic mix of international and local youth, including five undiscovered young actors hailing from high schools across Johannesburg. The cast, including Charmian Bonnet, Molly Houlahan, Antoinette Kayembe, Samukelisiwe Khumalo, Ratanang Mogotsi, Tanyaradzwa Tawengwa, and Karabo Tshikubu, opened with a sold-out first performance on Friday, July 15th. Standing ovations abounded!
"...Eve Ensler's [Emotional Creature]...has come together so well with powerful and exciting performances from the girls and Ensler's strong text.... The seven girls, five of whom are South African...make the show what it is. With their raw talent they take Ensler's text and make it their own. They sincerely embody the joy and complexities of being a teen and that makes the experience organic...this is a celebration of a girl revolution in flight." - Kgomotso Moncho, The Mercury
Emotional Creature, which is based off of I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life Of Girls Around The World, published by Villard in 2010, is running through July 27th in Johannesburg, before moving on to Paris's Cine 13 Theatre in September. The world premiere of Emotional Creature is planned for 2012 at California's Berkeley Repertory Theatre.
DON'T MISS OUT! JOIN US in Johannesburg! Tickets are on sale now and available at www.computicket.com
LEARN more at v-girls.org >
THIS JUST IN! Must-see videos and photos from the production!
READ what the press is saying about Emotional Creature in Johannesburg!
"All About Eve", Destiny (PDF) >
"High priestess of Jouissance: Girls take centre stage in a new play by Eve Ensler", Sunday Independent (PDF) >
"A voice for every girl...", The Mercury >
"Secret life of girls exposed", City of Johannesburg Arts & Culture >
"'Vagina Monologues' writer debuts work in SAfrica", Associated Press >
Podcast - Interview with Eve Ensler, Chai FM >
Emotional Creature, Global Girl Media >

Related links:
Turning Pain to Power by Marianne Schnall
( Extended Interview with Eve Ensler)
Open Letter to President Elect Barack Obama by Women's Rights Leaders, Including V-Day
From Superdome to SUPERLOVE�V-Day at 10 by Marianne Schnall Other V-Day Features at Feminist.com:
Action Alert: This Just In from Kenya Action Alert: End Sexual Violence in Democratic Republic of Congo V-Day/Feminist.com Anti-Violence Resource Guide
Other Eve Ensler writings at Feminist.com:
Interview with Eve EnslerExcerpt from Insecure at LastExcerpt from The Good Body The Real Meaning of Security

About V-Day: V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler�s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. In 2008, over 4000 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $60 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, launched the Karama program in the Middle East, reopened shelters, and funded over 10,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic Of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq. V-Day was named one of Worth magazine's "100 Best Charities" in 2001 and Marie Claire�s �Top Ten Charities� in 2006. The 'V' in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine and Vagina.