| | | | | | Until the Violence Stops Provided by V-Day |
I-VAWA Continues To Need Our Support
In 2010, one-third of the House and the Senate co-sponsored the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) and in the last weeks of Congress's lame duck session the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to pass the bill. Unfortunately, just as momentum was heating up, the clock ran out on the 111th Congress. Now more then ever your elected officials need to hear from you. V-Day joins Amnesty International USA, Women Thrive Worldwide and Family Violence Prevention Fund in strong support of I-VAWA and we ask you to continue to TAKE ACTION!
Past "Until the Violence Stops" Columns:
Related links:
Turning Pain to Power by Marianne Schnall
( Extended Interview with Eve Ensler)
Open Letter to President Elect Barack Obama by Women's Rights Leaders, Including V-Day
From Superdome to SUPERLOVE�V-Day at 10 by Marianne Schnall Other V-Day Features at Feminist.com:Action Alert: This Just In from Kenya Action Alert: End Sexual Violence in Democratic Republic of Congo V-Day/Feminist.com Anti-Violence Resource Guide Other Eve Ensler writings at Feminist.com: Interview with Eve EnslerExcerpt from Insecure at LastExcerpt from The Good Body The Real Meaning of Security
 About V-Day: V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler�s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works. In 2008, over 4000 V-Day benefit events took place produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $60 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, launched the Karama program in the Middle East, reopened shelters, and funded over 10,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic Of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq. V-Day was named one of Worth magazine's "100 Best Charities" in 2001 and Marie Claire�s �Top Ten Charities� in 2006. The 'V' in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine and Vagina.
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