By Susan
Kreimer - WeNews correspondent
--On a day she will never
forget, Soraya Mire expected
to receive a "gift"
in her native Somalia. She
was only 13 years old and
anxiously awaited her mother's
The present
turned out to be her worst
nightmare. What she saw upon
entering the doctor's house
was a surgery room. Shock
froze every bone in her body,
yet she couldn't flee.
"How can
you run away when the person
who loves you the most--and
is supposed to be protecting
you--is right there allowing
this to happen?" says
Mire, who is now 40 and lives
in Los Angeles, where she's
working on her second feature
film about female genital
mutilation. "So, at the
moment, you say, 'Maybe what
she's doing is right.' But
then you know that deep down
in you, something awful is
going to happen."
The pain under
local anesthetic was so horrendous
that she wanted to die. Infibulation,
the extreme form of female
genital mutilation, involved
removing the entire external
genitalia and stitching together
the vulva, leaving only a
small hole.
Prevalent in Somalia
In Somalia and
Sudan, 98 percent of women
in Mire's generation were
mutilated, most by age 5 because
their mothers and grandmothers
believed the younger the better,
thinking the torture would
be easier to forget. Mire's
family waited so long because
her father, who had seen the
suffering inflicted upon his
three older daughters, wanted
to spare the other three.
Her mother, driven by peer
pressure, wanted it nonetheless.
Slowly but surely,
cultural norms are changing.
Although more than 90 percent
of girls in Somalia, Egypt
and Mali are mutilated, the
practice is declining in other
countries. In Kenya, only
about 40 percent of women
are mutilated. Most undergo
Type I, which is the partial
or total removal of the clitoris,
or Type II, which is the removal
of the entire clitoris and
the cutting of the labia minora.
In northeastern
Kenya, where the ethnic groups
are the same as those in Somalia,
Type III, infibulation, is
very prevalent, says Ian Askew,
senior associate at the Population
Council's office in Nairobi,
the country's capital. In
other parts of Kenya, Type
III is extremely rare, and
the past two decades have
seen a trend moving from Type
II to Type I. More commonly,
people are ceasing the practice
altogether. Finally, the messages
about dire physical and emotional
scars are sinking in.
"In the
past, a lot of messages were
oriented around saying how
dangerous it is to people's
health," Askew says.
"The problem with that
is, people will practice a
less severe form rather than
stopping it. There's far more
emphasis these days that it
contradicts basic human rights
for good health and bodily
Victims Taken
by Surprise
Girls in communities
where female genital mutilation
is practiced often have no
choice. It's a prerequisite
to marriage, a rite of passage
that renders them viable members
of their society. On a chosen
day, a circumciser might come
to the village, or the girls
are brought to a neighboring
village for local festivities
or traditional celebrations
during which the mutilation
can occur.
There's often
no warning or means of escape,
and girls tend to accept the
tradition because it's culturally
ingrained. However, an increasing
number of girls are mobilizing
to stop female genital mutilation
and rejecting the practice
within their communities.
More than an
estimated 130 million girls
and women around the world
have undergone genital mutilation,
a practice some say began
5,000 years ago. At least
another 2 million are at risk
every year. The mutilation,
generally performed without
anesthetic, may have lifelong
health consequences, including
chronic infection, severe
pain during urination, menstruation,
sexual intercourse and childbirth
and psychological trauma.
Some girls die, often from
bleeding or infection.
Female genital
mutilation is practiced in
at least 28 countries in Africa,
as well as in Indonesia, Yemen,
in a few communities in other
regions of the world and in
countries with African immigrant
communities. Many countries,
including those that take
in these immigrants, have
outlawed or are working to
ban the practice.
Women known
as female circumcisers overwhelmingly
perform genital mutilation.
In Sudan, midwives typically
carry out the tradition, and
in Egypt, barbers often do
"It's a
harmful traditional practice,"
says Taina Bien-Aime, executive
director of Equality Now in
New York City, which works
to protect the human rights
of women and girls worldwide.
"People sometimes attribute
it to religion. It's not mandated
by any religion. It's not
sanctioned in the Koran or
the Bible. It's very important
for people to understand that
it's a human rights violation."
Coming Up
With New Adolescent Rituals
To help end
the practice, midwives and
traditional healers are encouraged
to look into other avenues
of generating an income. Also,
new adolescent rituals in
parts of Africa are replacing
mutilation. Ceremonies continue
to honor a girl's induction
into womanhood, teach her
to cook and become a wife
and mother, but without the
In Senegal,
a holistic and nondirective
education program called Tostan,
founded in 1991, has empowered
villagers to lead a movement
against female genital cutting.
A staff of more than 600 Senegalese
teach democracy, human rights,
hygiene, health and management
skills in national languages,
said Tostan's director, Molly
Melching. Since the first
village made a declaration
in 1997, 1,271 villages--more
than 25 percent of Senegal's
practicing communities--have
abandoned the cutting.
"Many more
declarations are scheduled
within the coming five months
in all regions, involving
many different ethnic groups,"
Melching says.
Assistance from
abroad goes a long way, too.
The Godparents Association
Inc. takes care of 40 to 50
girls in Uganda each year,
says Rebecca Salonen, who
coordinates the volunteer
organization from her home
in Bridgeport, Conn. By writing
letters and offering monetary
support, men and women of
goodwill serve as "godparents"
to young women at risk of
genital mutilation. For $375,
a sponsor provides for a girl's
basic needs: medical care,
uniforms and school fees.
In some communities,
it will be another generation
before the practice dies out,
activists say. In others,
it will take much longer.
The shift has happened through
grass-roots movements. "Outside
pressures and intervention
only strengthen people's determination
to protect their special traditions,
like FGM," Salonen says.
"The culture can only
be changed from within."
So it's best
to make gradual but long-lasting
changes. "Society is
like a herd of cows,"
says Marilyn Milos, a registered
nurse, founder and executive
director of the National Organization
of Circumcision Information
Resource Centers in the San
Francisco Bay area. "The
only way to turn the herd
is to move the cows, one cow
at a time. The herd changes
direction when every cow is
turned. That's what it takes
for society to change."
Susan Kreimer
is a Houston-based journalist
who specializes in health
and medicine.
For more
Equality Now:
Research, Action
and Information Network for
the Bodily Integrity of Women:
- http://www.rainbo.org/
Stop FGM!: Female
Genital Mutilation - http://www.stopfgm.org/