By Stephanie
Hiller - WeNews correspondent
--He grabbed her and shook
her on numerous occasions
inside their home and even
on the street. He pushed her;
he sat on her chest and yelled.
He threw her down the stairs.
He took her keys, broke her
phone and threatened her.
Those are the
charges that Mitzie Grabner
has filed against her former
live-in boyfriend, Curt Lubiszewski,
a California Highway Patrol
officer. After she ended the
relationship, she says she
was afraid to return to his
house to pick up her belongings.
That was when she called the
In the ensuing
investigation by the Rohnert
Park Police, begun in February,
Lubiszewski denied the charges.
Grabner says she felt pressured
to drop her complaint by remarks
such as that of Detective
Jeff Nicks of Rohnert Park
Public Safety.
"You know,
Curt has a lot of friends
around here," she says
he told her, right off the
bat. But she did not back
When the police
report did not contain enough
evidence for the district
attorney to press charges,
Grabner turned to the Purple
Berets, a 16-year-old advocacy
group with an impressive record
in prosecuting abusers in
this Northern California county.
Their signature case was that
of Teresa Macias, a woman
who made 25 calls for police
protection before her husband
killed her. Despite a mandated
arrest policy, the Sheriff's
department didn't take action.
Purple Beret's founder Tanya
Brannan's persistence kept
the story in the headlines
and resulted in a lawsuit
against the sheriff's department.
After Grabner
began working with the Purple
Berets, the story developed
a twist. Lubiszewski's ex-wife,
Bonnie Garrett, reported to
the police similar abuse by
her former husband. Purple
Beret's Brannan says that
in the 15 domestic-violence
cases she has handled over
the past dozen years involving
law-enforcement officers,
these two women are the first
to go public.
And they have
gone very public.
On July 26,
about 50 people picketed the
California Highway Patrol's
offices here to publicize
the case against Lubiszewski.
Many wore crisp white T-shirts
with "Stop Violence against
Women" emblazoned in
black letters. Lubiszewski's
two accusers, Grabner and
Garrett spoke. So did Bonnie
Garrett's mother, Rose Schloming.
So did Bonnie's current husband,
Across the street
from the protest Lubiszewski's
brother Mark stood with his
wife and Lubiszewski's current
girlfriend. They passed out
purple sheets written by a
friend of the officer, accusing
the two women of trumping
up their charges.
Whatever the
eventual outcome of this high-profile
case, the events as alleged
by both women fit an all-too-common
scenario. Domestic violence
is typically a secretive matter;
but when the batterer is also
a law enforcer, a woman often
feels she has nowhere left
to turn, according to advocates.
These police officers, they
say, many times threaten their
work partners with reprisal
if they jeopardized their
livelihoods by reporting their
private-life crimes to superiors.
Calls Police Report a Cover-Up
In a letter
to all relevant law-enforcement
agencies charging mishandling
of the case by the California
Highway Patrol, the Purple
Beret's Brannan described
the investigation as so inadequate
as to be a cover-up. She said
witness testimony had been
omitted from the report and
demanded a new hearing. On
May 28, after Purple Berets
presented the evidence, the
district attorney and the
police agreed to reopen their
investigation and it is currently
under review by the district
attorney's office.
In a phone interview,
Sonoma County District Attorney
Stephan Passalacqua was not
at liberty to say much. "Domestic
violence is a very serious
matter," he said, with
a note of concern in his voice,
"and we are investigating
this case very closely as
we do any allegation of domestic
Male police
officers are two-to-four-times
more likely to batter their
domestic partners than are
other men, according to a
1992 report published in the
the FOP Journal, a quarterly
publication from the Fraternal
Order of Police based in Nashville,
Possession of
a gun appears to be correlated
with violence against women
and be one explanation for
the higher incidence of battering
by male police officers. According
to a study in the July issue
of the American Journal of
Public Health, men's access
to firearms increased the
risk of femicide by a factor
of five. According to the
article, abusers who possess
guns also "tend to inflict
the most severe abuse."
Male police
officers are fiercely loyal
to the team and loath to tell
authorities on each other,
says Diane Wetendorf, founder
of the Chicago-based Confronting
Abuse of Power, an advocacy
group for women abused by
members of law enforcement.
"When an
officer is in trouble on the
job or in trouble with his
wife or girlfriend at home,
he counts on his buddies to
cover for him" says Wetendorf.
"He gives them a story
that explains why he 'had
to do' whatever he did. They
repeat his version of the
story and they stick to that
In July, the
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
published an intensive five-month
investigation of 41 officers
accused of assaulting, stalking,
threatening or harassing their
wives, girlfriends or children.
The reporters found that "police
departments are falling short
on a number of fronts in the
way they handle domestic violence
allegations against officers."
Cover-ups, according to the
reporters, were common.
Police Discipline
Only After Conviction
"This batterer
is walking the streets with
a loaded gun!" says an
exasperated Brannan, referring
to Lubiszewski. But California
Highway Patrol Captain Larry
O'Shea emphasizes that Lubiszewski
has not be convicted of hurting
anyone and therefore cannot
be disciplined by his employer.
That is not a universal view
throughout the department,
however. Bonnie Stanton, an
assistant chief in the Sacramento
California Highway Patrol
office, says a conviction
is not required by California
Highway Patrol policy.
"It depends
on the evidence," says
California Highway
Patrol's Lieutenant Dan Moore
conducted the first review
of the initial investigation
by Sergeant Scott Bartelson,
a close associate of Lubiszewski's.
Moore considered the investigation
Penny Harrington,
founding director of the Feminist
Majority's National Center
For Women and Policing, says
that despite a model policy
developed by the International
Association of Chiefs of Police
in 1997, departments nationwide
"don't do the things
they need to do to prosecute
the officer."
Hiller, a free-lance writer
in Occidental, Calif., is
the editor of Awakened Woman,
online at awakenedwoman.com.
For more
Women's eNews:
- "Settlement Reached
in Domestic Violence Trial":
- http://www.womensenews.org/article.cfm/dyn/aid/944/
Purple Berets--
- When the Batterer is a Cop:
- http://www.purpleberets.org/violence_battererisacop.html
National Center
for Women and Policing: -