By Belisa
When Susan Reyna learned in
May that she had a won a grant
to help fund her work with
victims of domestic violence
in a community of mostly migrant
Latina women, all she could
think of was how far she and
others had come.
"I thought
of the abuse I watched my
mom go through; what I survived,"
said Reyna, a third-generation
migrant worker who witnessed
domestic violence and experienced
sexual abuse as a child. "We've
come so far since those first
days; we have brought domestic
violence as a health issue
to a national level!"
Reyna was awarded
$120,000 by the Boston-based
Robert Wood Johnson Community
Health Leadership Program
award, to enhance MUJER, Inc.
(The program's name in Spanish
means "woman.")
MUJER, in Homestead, Fla.,
is now addressing what has
been considered the greatest
obstacle that Latina women
face when trying to escape
domestic violence: fragmentation
of services.
MUJER offers
comprehensive care to victims
by partnering with a network
of over 15 other community
agencies that provide serves
ranging from legal aid to
While data on
domestic violence is still
inconsistent, most studies
find that the incidence is
about the same in all socioeconomic
groups--about 1-in-4 women
experiencing it in the course
of their lifetimes. Most studies
that focus on migrant workers,
however, agree that while
women in this group may not
suffer a higher incidence,
they are less likely to reach
out for help.
Higher Barriers
in Seeking Help
"Undocumented Hispanic
families, or families that
are migrant farm workers face
the most barriers and fears
when seeking help," says
Teresita Salvador, coordinator
of the Refugee Project run
by the Miami-based Florida
Department of Children and
Families. "Often the
complexity of navigating the
system will send a woman back
to an abusive and dangerous
"In this
community, I know stats are
higher than the average of
1 in 4," said Reyna,
referring to the prevalence
of domestic violence in the
mostly migrant population
of Latina women that MUJER
serves. "For every one
woman who reports, there are
many, many who don't . . .
That has to change, and we're
making sure of it."
Part of the
solution is addressing the
women's concerns about their
legal status. "Fear of
deportation keeps these women
from seeking help. It is invaluable
to have like-minded women
around at a difficult time,
who can comfort them and reassure
them that they are doing the
right thing," said Reyna.
With its emphasis
on linking all the services
that a domestic violence victim
needs--and providing her with
counselors who can speak her
language and understand her
circumstances--MUJER, according
to Catherine Dunham, the national
program director for the Community
Health Leadership Program
supported by The Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation, "provides
us with an excellent example
of how to successfully respond
to the specific needs of a
group where culture and transiency
are very real impediments
to breaking the cycle of violence."
Comfort and
In addition
to guiding women to such vital
services as legal representation,
shelter and child care, MUJER's
counselors, according to Reyna,
strive to provide a sense
of cultural comfort and connection.
away is harder for Latinas--especially
those recently arrived--whose
culture discourages them from
speaking out," Reyna
told Women's eNews. "The
idea of 'lo que debo hacer'
(what I should be doing) or
'el que diran' (what people
will say), keeps many women
in situations where they are
suffering tremendously."
Reyna's History
In the mid
1970s, at age 19, Reyna found
herself a single mother of
two. For emotional support
and problem solving, she and
a group of seven other friends,
all Mexican-Americans, began
to meet. That process sowed
the seeds of an organization
that grew into MUJER, an acronym
for Mujeres Unidas en Justicia,
Educacion y Reforma, or Women
United in Justice, Education
and Reform.
From a volunteer
organization without consistent
funding, Reyna has seen MUJER
flourish. In 1996 she became
MUJER's executive director
and now supervises seven full-time
staff members who focus on
families in the rural deep
south of Florida. Since its
inception, MUJER says it has
helped more than 50,000 people
mitigate the effects of domestic
MUJER is completely
grant funded by organizations
such as the National Council
of La Raza, the largest national
constituency-based Hispanic
organization based in Washington,
the Wealth
In a characteristically
generous move, Reyna divided
the $120,000 the Robert Wood
Johnson award among some of
the local and national agencies
with which she partners.
We Care of South
Dade, for instance, an umbrella
organization for all the social
service agencies in the county
received $5,000. Another $5,000
went to the Open Door Health
Center, which provides health
care to the poor and uninsured
of south Miami-Dade County.
The Florida Council Against
Sexual Violence, a statewide
nonprofit organization committed
to victims and survivors of
sexual violence, received
$3,500. For her own organization,
Reyna has earmarked $70,000
to build a $1 million permanent
community center for MUJER,
for which funds are now being
In their push
to help Latina women escape
domestic abuse, Reyna and
others have a champion in
Admiral Dr. Christina Beato,
acting assistant secretary
for health of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services.
Beato, a mother
of two and herself Latina,
has identified domestic violence--along
with cancer, heart disease,
clinical depression and HIV--as
key public-health problems
to be overcome by the Latina
Last May in
Miami Beach, Beato was the
keynote speaker at a forum
organized by the National
Latina Health Network, an
organization in Washington,
D.C., that strives to close
the "health gap"
between Latinas and the rest
of the U.S. population.
who experience domestic violence,
even just view it, are at
significantly more risk to
turn into aggressors or victims
themselves when they become
teens and adults," Beato
told an audience of over 200
health care professionals.
"We have to remind ourselves,
'si, se puede' ('yes you can').
We can break this cycle of
violence in our community
by providing appropriate services
and education for people to
use them."
Belisa Vranich
is a clinical psychologist
in New York City and author
of "The Seven Beliefs:
A Step-by-Step Guide to Help
Latinas Recognize and Overcome
Depression," published
in English by Harper Collins
in 2003 and in Spanish in
For more
Robert Wood
Johnson Community Health Leadership