By Jennifer
Florrie Burke attends a conference
on trafficking the head of
the anti-trafficking initiative
at Safe Horizon braces herself
for a confrontation that is
increasingly commonplace at
these forums.
It's not a fight
over whether trafficking is
right or wrong. There is universal
agreement among advocates,
activists and politicians
that smuggling people across
borders for use as sex slaves
or forced labor is criminal.
Instead, people
working to end such trafficking
are immersed in a bitter debate
over prostitution. Some anti-trafficking
activists say routing out
prostitution will close the
market for sex slaves, who
make up the majority of trafficking
victims worldwide. But others
contend that efforts to end
trafficking should focus on
the economic, social and political
reasons people around the
world end up falling in the
hands of traffickers.
prey largely on people in
poor countries, promising
them decent jobs oversees
and then enslaving them as
sex workers, factory laborers
or domestic help by stripping
them of their passports and
cutting off their contact
with the outside world.
tend to conflate prostitution
and trafficking as if they
are one and the same,"
said Burke, whose New York-based
organization provides services
to victims of abuse and crime.
"For me, it's about what
drives someone to leave behind
their country and take such
a risk. We can't get to all
of that if we get hung up
on an argument about prostitution."
The debate has
become especially heated now
that the federal government
has said that it will use
the $50 million it has earmarked
for anti-trafficking efforts
this year to enforce its anti-prostitution
Groups Divided
The issue of
trafficking became a hot button
topic during the 1990s, but
it was not until 2000 that
United States passed the Trafficking
Victims Protection Act, the
first major legislation intended
to curb international trafficking.
Since then, the U.S. government
has begun rating other countries'
records on human trafficking
and can impose economic sanctions
on any country that does not
take steps to end the practice.
The State Department
reports that, of the estimated
800,000 to 900,000 men, women
and children who are trafficked
around the world, most are
trafficked for sexual exploitation.
An estimated 18,000 to 20,000
people are trafficked into
the United States yearly.
While most activists
are glad the issue of trafficking
has made it to the fore, feminist
groups, long at odds over
whether prostitution should
be legalized, are divided
over the way the Bush administration
is approaching the issue.
Critics worry
that directing government
funding only to groups that
oppose prostitution will hurt
organizations that provide
services to prostitutes, but
have not taken an anti-prostitution
position. They warn that by
turning the war on trafficking
into a battle against prostitution
the government's anti-trafficking
efforts will prove ineffective.
Ann Jordan,
director of the Initiative
Against Trafficking in Persons
at the International Human
Rights Law Group in Washington,
D.C., says that, in poor countries,
where organized crime is often
in cahoots with the government,
no amount of anti-prostitution
legislation will end trafficking.
"A lot
of this discussion is so ideological
that it's not addressing the
core issues that are really
tough and need to be addressed
such as the socio-economic
status of women, particularly
in countries where the economies
are collapsed and governments
support the migration of their
people to support the domestic
economy," said Jordan.
Yet, others
say fighting prostitution
by rounding up pimps and johns
is the only way to combat
the demand for trafficked
women and children and to
put an end to the practice.
"The existence
of prostitution is the only
reason sex trafficking exists,"
said Donna Hughes, a professor
of women's studies at the
University of Rhode Island.
"Until you do something
about the demand, trafficking
will continue."
Hughes said
efforts to eradicate trafficking
in women should be focused
on providing assistance for
the victims and imposing steep
penalties on the perpetrators.
Funds Directed
to Anti-Prostitution Groups
As part of
its efforts to fight trafficking,
the government is now trying
to ensure that federal funds
go only to domestic and international
groups that oppose prostitution.
Critics are
concerned that the move is
part of a trend to keep federal
funds in the hands of groups
which share a conservative
ideology that is anti-choice
and anti-prostitution.
In 2001, the
Bush administration instituted
a policy that known as the
global gag rule, which prevents
international nongovernmental
agencies from receiving federal
funding if they provide abortions,
discuss abortions with their
clients or advocate for changing
their nation's abortion laws.
Two years later, the administration's
Global AIDS Bill prohibited
international agencies working
on HIV/AIDS from receiving
money unless they explicitly
state a policy against prostitution.
When it came time to pass
the Trafficking Victims Protection
Reauthorization Act of 2003,
Republicans in Congress pushed
for a provision similar to
the Global AIDS Bill.
"What the
Bush policies amount to is
a global gag rule on trafficking,"
said Jordan.
After much wrangling,
the Republicans ultimately
acquiesced on more flexible
language. In a congressional
colloquy, Congressmen Tom
Lantos (D-CA) and Chris Smith
(R-NJ) clarified that organizations
that are neutral on the issue
of prostitution are still
eligible for funds.
"I wanted
to make sure that nongovernmental
organizations that have been
doing great work on helping
trafficking victims were not
prevented from getting federal
funds because they decided
to stay out of the debate
over the legalization of prostitution,"
Lantos said.
Despite Lantos'
efforts, the administration
has indicated it would favor
organizations that oppose
Kent Hill, the
assistant administrator for
United States Agency for International
Development's bureau for Europe
and Eurasia, said his agency
would look more favorably
on groups, such as faith-based
ones that take a definite
stand against prostitution.
"If a group
is neutral on whether the
legalization of prostitution
would be advisable or not,
interagency guidelines instruct
us to give priority, all other
factors being equal, to those
organizations which support
U.S. government policies on
combating trafficking and
prostitution, that is, to
organizations which see trafficking
and prostitution as both inextricably
mixed and socially harmful,"
Hill said.
For fiscal year
2003, the government has earmarked
about $50 million to fight
trafficking, $15 million of
which will go to USAID. Those
figures are expected to be
higher next year, Hill said.
Fear of Government
have applauded the government's
tough stand in favor of organizations
that oppose prostitution.
They believe the United States
should take a similar position
with countries, such as Thailand,
that generate hundreds of
millions of dollars a year
in revenue from prostitution
and sex tourism.
got to push them very hard.
That's one of the great things
about being a superpower,"
said Michael Horowitz, a fellow
at the Hudson Institute in
Washington, D.C.
But some groups,
even those that want to see
prostitution abolished, fear
the Bush administration's
efforts to force countries
and advocacy groups to take
an anti-prostitution stance
may be overzealous.
Taina Bien-Aime,
executive director of Equality
Now, a New York-based women's
human rights organization,
said the Bush administration's
approach could sideline groups
that are helping women.
Bien-Aime said
she is concerned that the
Bush administration will keep
money from non-governmental
organizations that help women
who turn to prostitution out
of desperation in much the
same way as it has used what
is known as the global gag
rule to keep money from any
NGO that discusses abortion.
"If people
are trying to unionize women
in prostitution, is that pro-prostitution?"
Bien-Aime asked. "We
don't want a situation like
the global gag rule where
people are punished because
they address prostitution."
Posted April 17, 2004. The
quote above from Taina Bien-Aime,
executive director of Equality
Now, did not make clear that
Equality Now opposes the legalization
and unionization of prostitution
in any form, all of which,
the organization says, fuels
the demand for trafficking
of women and girls.
Friedlin is a reporter based
in New York.
For more
Safe Horizon
Equality Now