By Christopher
Walker - WeNews correspondent
first Egyptian performance
here of Eve Ensler's "The
Vagina Monologues" drew
large crowds and raised about
$1,200 for the country's very
first shelter for battered
But the show
last week attracted more than
just people and their money.
"The Vagina Monologues"
drew so much controversy that
even feminist organizations
chose to keep their distance.
The play, first
staged in the United States
in 1997, explores themes of
identity, sexuality and abuse.
It tackles topics that are
taboo in the Middle East such
as rape, masturbation and
menstruation, using a mixture
of shock and humor to move
the audience. The show was
organized by an amateur female
theater group to raise awareness
of domestic violence in Egypt.
It was staged in English for
three nights last week (Feb.
19 to 21) at a small theater
at the downtown campus of
The American University in
Cairo, an English-language
university established in
Egypt in 1919.
The Association
for the Development and Enhancement
of Women, a women's rights
group that works in Cairo's
poorest areas, estimates that
about 1-in-3 women in Egypt
suffer from domestic abuse,
a rate matching estimates
elsewhere around the globe.
While most of
Egypt's legal system is based
on French civil law, those
covering domestic issues are
derived from Islamic--Sharia--law.
Domestic violence is a criminal
offense in Egypt and is grounds
for divorce, but penalties
for men are often light. In
addition, family codes of
honor and strict gender roles
discourage women from reporting
abuse. In cases of rape, for
example, unmarried women are
sometimes encouraged by their
parents to marry the rapist
in order to preserve family
The government
has begun to recognize the
problem and has opened 150
counseling centers for families
suffering from abuse.
That's not good
enough, say the women who
acted in "The Vagina
Monologues." Tickets
to the play were free, but
donations from the standing-room
only performances totaled
about $1,200 and went to help
buy supplies the first nongovernmental
women's shelter in Egypt,
which is expected to open
in Cairo within the year.
Kept 'Confidential'
Due to its explosive
nature, the play was not advertised
and tickets were not sold
in advance, although 100s
of invitations were issued
through foreign embassies
and private e-mail networks.
Attached to the invitations
was a letter saying that "due
to the sensitive nature of
the play it is important [that]
performances be by invitation
only and remain confidential."
Local women's
groups kept an official distance
from the showing. The only
organization associated with
the play's Egyptian debut
is the playwright's own nonprofit
corporation, the New York-based
V-Day, which works worldwide
to end violence against women
and girls.
While this was
the first public staging of
"The Vagina Monologues"
in Egypt, it was performed
privately once before. During
a December 2002 visit to Cairo,
Ensler performed her own play
at the offices of the Association
for the Development and Enhancement
of Women, a local women's
rights organization. At the
time of that performance,
Iman Bibars, director of the
association said the play
"helps raise awareness
to the reality of how women
live . . . that it [violence
against women] is not something
made up."
But that reality
is not by any means widely
acknowledged here. Last week,
for instance, Muhammad Omar,
a columnist for the leading
Arabic-language daily Al Akhbar,
reviewed a pamphlet from the
association that contained
stories from abused women.
"I didn't
pity any of them," he
wrote. "I give every
man the right to do what [these
men] have done." He went
on to say that only "ugly"
women are abused and that
domestic violence would end
if there was "plastic
surgery at the expense of
the state."
Women's organizations
say domestic abuse will only
end with more societal awareness
about the issue. Still, some
groups take issue with how
"The Vagina Monologues"
confronts violence against
women, arguing that the play
borders on pornography and
offends Egyptian morals.
Rumors of
Rumors in the
Cairo feminist community suggest
that the Association for the
Development and Enhancement
of Women faced reprisals from
the Egyptian government for
hosting the play last year.
The National
Council for Women declined
to comment for this story.
The Association
for the Development and Enhancement
of Women's Bibars was out
of the country and could not
be reached for this story.
Nobody at her office would
comment on any aspect of "The
Vagina Monologues." The
American University in Cairo
posted a sign outside the
theater saying it was not
connected to the production
in any way.
While the Cairo
show was generally warmly
received by the audiences
that sought it out, not everyone
approved of the play, which
includes monologues on lesbianism,
tampons and orgasms. A few
people each night walked out
mid-performance, clambering
over fellow audience members
in order to reach the door.
During an intermission,
one man called the play "disgusting
so far" although admitted
afterwards that it was worth
seeing, if only for the comedic
Sophia Al Maria,
a 20-year-old student at The
American University in Cairo,
originally from Qatar, produced
and directed the Vagina Monologues.
She says that some people
she spoke to thought the play
was not relevant to Egypt.
"But," she insists,
"these issues are relevant
Al Maria, who
is Muslim, says that the bold
nature of the play doesn't
contradict the values of Islam,
noting that "Islam celebrates
women and so by default it
celebrates vaginas too."
Some cast members
expressed concerns that their
performances might draw the
ire of their friends, employers,
family or even the police.
is some personal risk involved,
no question," says Lana,
a 25-year old Saudi native
who didn't want her full name
published. Despite the risks,
"it is important for
us to do this because women
in Egypt and in the Gulf area
don't ever speak of what they
want," she says.
About half the
cast was Egyptian. One, who
did not want her name published,
said that although it was
clearly written for a Western
audience, "there is plenty
that is relevant and interesting
for Egyptians . . . But I
would love to see it adapted
into something more culturally
The women who
acted in "The Vagina
Monologues" call themselves
"vagina warriors"
and say that performing the
play in English was just the
beginning. The success of
their performance has some
of them thinking of expanding
the show, performing it in
Arabic or holding further
performances in Cairo.
Walker is a Canadian journalist
who lives and works in Egypt,
where he writes for the Cairo
Times and freelances for newspapers
in the Middle East and Canada.
For more
for the Development and Enhancement
of Women (ADEW): -
V-Day: -
National Council
for Women: -