am a 20 year old college student
that is in an abusive relationship
with my four year boyfriend-fiancee.
I am very afraid that I will
get hit by him because he is
always telling me that he hates
me and I need to shut up before
I get hurt and that it will
be my fault. I always tell him
that if he hates me that much
that I want him to leave, but
he says he's stuck because he
works with my brother, and we
live together in an apartment
that we are both on the lease.
I know that if he did leave
I would probably break down,
but is it safer? He hits me
in the back, grabs me, and sometimes
drags me across the floor. I
am afraid that it will get worse.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for reaching out. If I had
responded to your note two days
ago I probably wouldn't have
been so passionate in my response.
However, I just spent all day
yesterday with a friend who
was in a similar situation.
(She's young (28), well-educated,
smart, privileged, articulate,
etc...) Though I had sent her
numerous notes over the past
three years, she hadn't responded
until she called me last week
and we made this date to meet.
What she revealed to me over
our several hours together is
that she has been in an incredibly
abusive relationship--it started
as verbal and then the physical
abuse set in. She lived her
life almost as a prisoner: she
had to have breakfast on the
table by 7, then lunch at noon
and dinner at 5. She wasn't
allowed to drive on the highway,
wasn't allowed to work. It didn't
all begin this way, but it ended
this way and worse. No matter
what she did it wasn't good
enough. She thought it was her
fault, as he told her it was,
so she tried harder and then
the abuse only got worse--he
smashed windows, threw furniture
at her, and repeatedly told
her how dumb she was and how
bad she was at everything she
she was too scared to leave,
eventually she realized that
it was scarier to stay and to
continue endangering her life.
I don't want to entirely compare
her situation to yours, but
I hope you can see the similarities.
My suggestion is that you leave
immediately. How to do that
is a much more complicated answer
and one that I am not qualified
to give. I have two suggestions,
one, is that you contact a local
organization (such as Victim
Services), and, two, I can
put you in touch with a friend
of mine who is a trained counselor.
If you prefer the latter, simply
write back to me and let me
know how/when you want her to
contact you and/or how/when
she can contact you. I hope
this helps and I hope that you
will realize what my friend
realized--that as hard as it
is to leave, it's harder to
stay. I'll be thinking of you,
let me know what happens and
how I can help.