am a retired policman who investigated
many rapes as a detective in
Philadelphia, PA. Rape should
not have a statute of limintations
as the victim is harmed for
life. I have a mother, a sister,
a daughter, a wife, a daughter
in law, and two granddaughters,
and I want to know why Clinton
is getting away with rape. Rapists
rarely rape one woman, the statistics
bear this out. Why isn't Clinton
answering questions about his
sexual aggression against women?
couldn't agree more that there
shouldn't be a statute of limitations
on rape--especially when you
consider incest a form of rape.
However, with the case of Clinton,
we have to make sure that these
rape victims want to come forward
and that we don't force them
to pursue something for our
sake not theirs. Last I checked
Juanita Broaddrick wasn't pressing
charges. We need to listen to
those who are in the situation
and support them. We should
use this "Clinton thing" as
a lesson to support women and
men from the get-go. Police
are the perfect place to start
since they often receive these
requests. So perhaps more sensitive
training within the ranks would
be a good place to start. If
they get a sympathetic ear from
the get-go, statute of limitations
will become a mute point. Thanks
again for writing.