This has been bothering me for
a while now and I can't seem
to get over it. I have an extreme
fear of being raped. It seems
like every time I'm alone with
a man I don't trust or don't
know, the thought pops into
my head. Even at work sometimes
(I cashier at a local Wal-Mart),
I feel like some men are 'undressing
me with their eyes'. What can
I do to get over this? --Kristen
for your note to Feminist.com
and I'm sorry that you are having
such painful thoughts and feelings.
I wish I could say that "It
will go away" but I have no
guarantee of that. A similar
thing happened to a friend of
mine--unfortunately, she discovered
that the root cause was that
she had been sexually abused
by her father at an early age.
Of course, this does not mean
that this is what happened to
you. This could be a possibility
and/or because it could be something
entirely different, regardless
I suggest that you go to a therapist
to discuss your situation. They
are much better qualified to
help you get through this than
I am. Hopefully you can locate
one near you through the database of women's services
at Feminist.com. You
might also want to reference
our Violence Against Women section. Let
me know if you need anything