I am 20 years
old and was either sexually
assaulted or raped (I don't
know what to classify it as)
when I was 17. This happened
in Ohio and it has affected
me ever since. Right after it
happened I went to a payphone
to call the police and they
said they would have to tell
my parents, so I didn't go in.
I wanted to get treated really
badly. The man was 29 at the
time. Now I'm pondering whether
to take my story to the police,
but after I've asked a lot of
people about the laws, I don't
even think I was protected as
a minor from this man - I knew
who he was and it turned into
something I didn't want to do.
My point is that I had tried
to get help but they said they
would have to tell my parents
because I was a juvenile, but
at the same time as a juvenile
I'm not protected under Ohio
law from this man (minor laws).
I had never even kissed a guy
before this and I know I was
manipulated by him. I had been
a position in the back of his
car where I couldn't see and
then he started to rub himself
up against me and a whole list
of other things. What can I
do in this situation. I want
to press charges, but I'm scared.
And the fact that a 17 year-old
is a "minor" enough for the
police to tell her parents,
but not "minor" enough to be
protected under the corruption
of a minor law is another thing
that really upsets me. I didn't
have the rights of a 16 year-
old, but under the sex laws
17 and 18 are the same yet I
didn't have the rights of an
18 year-old either. Please Help.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I have never heard of the law
which you mention. As you indicate,
it might more appopriately be
referred to as--"minors lack
of rights." The only reason
that being a minor should have
factored into your case at all
was because it was more "obviously
rape"--meaning that even if
what had happened had been consensual,
the fact that you were under
18 and he was under 18 makes
it statuatory rape by legal
definition. This makes it doubly
worse. That said, I think that
you do need to do something:
one, because your rights were
violated on two counts; two,
because you probably aren't
the only person they are giving
this inaccurate and harmful
information to--and it won't
end until someone exposes the
circumstances; and three, because
I think that you need to address
this situation so you can begin
to heal and hopefully "move
what to do. Because of statute
of limitations laws, I'm afraid
that you won't get very far
in legally pursuing the case.
(Although, before you rule that
out entirely, please contact
Ohio's civil rights division
located in your state's capital.)
Although this is an unlikely
possibility, if you have enough
documentation, I think that
you need to work on exposing
the case via the media. (You
can do this annonymously if
you don't want to reveal yourself.)
If you want to pursue this latter
option, I know some journalists
in the state of Ohio who would
be sympathetic to your case.
Let me know and I will give
you their names. And again,
before you rule out legally
pursuing rape changes--please
research the limitations. (If
you can't get through to the
government offices, you could
also try a local rape crisis
center. You can try to find
one nearest you using our database
of women's services.
I hope these suggestions help.
I hope, too, that at a minimum
telling me your story helped
you in some way to begin to
heal from what happened to you.
Now, here's to making sure that
it can't happen to anyone else.
I'm here if you need further
suggestions - best wishes.