I am writing a research paper
for my Tae Kwon Do / Self-Defense
class at a local community college.
I am in need of information
relating to the following: When
attacked, what percentage of
women fight back? What percentage
of women submit to the attacker's
demands? What seems to be the
more effective strategy? I hope
you can help me if you have
access to any such statistics
and/or articles about this topic.
Just so you know, my teacher
is a very big semi-macho type,
but I am proud to say he very
openly offered the class your
e-mail address as a resource.
Progress, eh? Thank you. Kathleen
for your note and I'm so envious
that you are taking Tae Kwon
Do classes. A few friends of
mine have taken self-defense
courses--and I've watched on
as they become totally empowered
by this experience.
For help finding the statistics
that you are looking for, I
suggest that you contact Roz
Wiseman of the Empower Program:
6925 Willow Street, NW #228,
Washington, DC; (202) 882-2800
or visit the
Empower web site.