I don't really know why I am
writing this, but I am. I have
been going with this guy for
about three months. The other
day I kinda upset him a little
and he hit me. I fell down a
flight of stairs and now I am
on cruthches. I still love him
and he said he was sorry. He
didn't mean to do it. He has
given me lord knows how many
roses since then and dozens
on chocolates, he even bought
me a necklace. I love him and
he loves me but there's always
this thought in the back of
my mind: did he mean to do it
or was it just an accident.
Well, just wanted to tell someone
the truth. Lying's really getting
to me. Thanks for listening.
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
I don't want to sound like your
mother, but sometimes that is
what people need. I know that
you don't want to feel like
you are over-reacting over nothing,
but the common scenerio is for
people to brush it off as "oh,
it will only happen once." There
are supposedly other obvious
signs to pick up on the signs
of "an abusive relationship,"
but I am not qualified to tell
you what those are. I do suggest
that you contact a local group
that provides this type of service.
For instance in New York City
there is a place called Victim
Services, which provides
this type of advice and support.
Their contact information is:
Victim Services
2 Lafayette Street
New York, New York 10007
Hotline: #212-577-7777
You might also want to check
out our section of Violence
Against Women links for
more resources and information.
Good luck--and please don't
try to down play the potential