for including my two cents in
your research. One problem in
using "women" to describe any
situation or profession is that
it automatically makes it "less
than." For instance--why is
it "women writers" and male
writers are just "writers"?
Similarly, when we describe
"violence against women"--it
somehow gives the impression
that the violence is less severe.
In reality all it means is that
it is against women. By definition
"violence" is the "exertion
of any [physical] force so as
to injure or abuse." Therefore,
violence against women causes
abuse and injury of/to women.
I think, too, that we have to
extend this to verbal and emotional
and not just limit violence
to physical scars. Regardless
of who is being injured, the
majority of the abusers are
male (yet we don't call it "male
abuse"?). So any discussion
of violence should not only
include the victim but the perpetrator.
I know this is scattered, but
I hope it helps