I am a former victim of
incest. I have recently come
to grips with my problems and
have faced the situation head
on. I have always felt that
there was not enough avenues
a victim of incest can access
help in a respectful and dignified
manner. I have recently with
the help of my husband come
up with the idea of an Internet
web site devoted to the specific
offense of incest. My hope with
this project is to make the
support that is needed for the
victims more readily available.
My ideas are very specific but
as of yet I have not completed
my research or the proposal.
I have help in all those areas
of computer, and proposal write
up. My question for you would
be how to go about selling my
idea and to whom. I am not looking
to profit from this in anyway.
I believe that as much as I
can help others I can also gain
some better insight on myself.
Any help you can offer me would
be greatly appreciated. Any
ideas you may have would also
be readily accepted. Thank you,
Thanks for your note and for
your work and honesty. I wholeheartedly
agree that there are too few
support networks for victims
of incest, especially considering
that an average of 1 in 4 girls
and 1 in 7 boys are survivors
of incest. Likewise, those who
are abused are still made to
feel ashamed and those who abuse
rarely have to own up to their
For all of these reasons,
I think that your proposal is
a great idea. I'm unclear about
exactly what the funding would
be for. It sounds like you are
only looking for start-up monies.
From a funding perspective,
incest remains one of those
"things" that people don't fund
the way they should. Much of
the support thus far has come
from the women's community,
individuals and a few mental
health outlets. Considering
this, you should pursue the
women's funding community. I'm
not sure where you live, but
you should contact the Women's
Funding Network, based in
Minneapolis, MN (or maybe it's
St. Paul). They can connect
you with national funds and
also local funds in your geographic
area (if there are any).
You should also make sure
to contact a moderated e-mail
list dealing with issues of
violence against women, including
incest, called FAVNET (Communities
Against Violence Network).
The main purpose of this list
thus far has been research based,
but throwing your idea into
the mix, would probably generate
much needed support--financial
and other. So, please see
information about CAVNET
Thank you again for your work
and for building a much needed
support network. Also, let me
know when it's up and running,
so I can refer people to your
site (if you don't mind).