might want to contact an online
service called CAVNET
which deals with issues of violence
and abuse. CAVNET
(Communities Against Violence
Network) is a moderated
e-mail list on the Internet
addressing violence from a feminist
perspective. There is no charge
to subscribe. Established in
May of 1996, there are currently
over 500 subscribers from around
the world.
Subscribers to CAVNET
include survivors of domestic
violence, sexual assault, stalking
and incest, as well as lawyers,
law students, shelter workers,
shelter directors, doctors,
nurses, police chiefs and other
members of law enforcement,
rape crisis counselors, rape
crisis center directors, national
coalitions, feminist organizations,
experts in violence against
women from a variety of fields,
members of religious organizations,
and many others.
It would be great to put this
on their service as a question.
Good Luck.