would like to know how feminists,
in general, conceptualize rape
and sexual assuault. What would
a feminist say is the cause
of rape, its ramifications,
etc.? Thanks, Allison
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Rape is illegal and is legally
identified, so it's not so much
a "feminist" definition, but
a legal one.
Traditionally, the law defined
rape as "intercourse between
a man and a woman not his wife,
against the woman's will and
without her consent." "Each
form [incest, battering, sexual
harassment, and rape] of violence
[against women] is a manifestation
of societially organized, supported,
and condoned or "naturalized"
arrangements of power and control
based on the combination of
gender, race, or ethnicity,
class, and sexual orientiation...together
[these forms of violence] create
systemic and pervasive constraints
on women. The infliction or
threat of violence and abuse
is means of keeping women silent,
and, thereby controlling them."
This is from the Readers Companion to U.S. Women's History under the listing "Violence Against
Women" by Martha Deed. For more,
I suggest you read this section.