isn't there a list of known
rapists in each state, so people
can look for known offenders
in ther own county where they
live? These people are a piece
of crap. No one deserves that.
I am a guy and it makes me sick
to think these predators have
rights! My wife was raped and
taken advantaged of twice when
she was a teen ager and now
that I finally got all the facts
and now can figure out why all
the problems I've had with her
sexually in the last 14 yrs.
But now that I'm on the net
I type things just looking to
see if there is any prevention
at all and there's nothing,
nothing. All these offenders
should be listed so that no
other girl has to be subjected
to this kind of inhuman behavior.
I hope you take my letter seriously,
I am a master in kung fu and
I train women all the time in
self defense hoping that if
they're ever attacked they can
defend themselves... Thanks
for listening!! Mark
for your note to FEMINIST.COM--thanks,
too for your rage, care and
concern--all of which were taken
seriously. I agree with your
recommendation about "outing"
these rapists. This is done
partially through something
called "Megan's Law", which
allows people to post known
child abusers. (Though I don't
know the specifics--the Justice
Department should.) There was
also the Brown University example,
where women wrote the names
of rapists on bathroom stalls.
This is similar to Take Back
the Night marches/rallys, where
women often name the rapists
out loud. So it does happen
in some ways, but certainly
needs to happen more if we are
to make it known as the crime
that it is.