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SolarFlairLighting.com was started to help people easily find a wide variety of quality outdoor solar lighting, as well as other solar and environmentally friendly items for the home and garden. Along with free shipping, our prices are competitive with even the largest online or brick & mortar stores.

As our business grows, our inventory continually expands to meet customer demand. Along with a broad selection of solar lights (solar flashlights through solar streetlights, with a special focus on solar lamps, security lighting and decorative lights) we offer humane and effective solar pest control, solar water fountains, solar pond pumps and lights, and much more.

Visit SolarFlairLighting.com to see our custom, high-end, interior lights handmade in the USA, rechargeable lights, non-solar water fountains, greenhouses, and compost equipment.

We offer quality garden furniture and planters made from lumber harvested with environmentally sustainable methods that preserves the forests and jobs.

Our educational toys and games make learning about science, green living and renewable energy fun and are used by classrooms, after-school programs, and for home schooling.

Benefits of Solar Lighting and Other Solar Products

Along with being green for the environment, advantages of today's solar lights and solar products include:

• A continuously expanding selection of products, styles and prices that is comparable to traditional options
• Easy, usually DIY, installation with minimal, if any, disruptions to your existing landscape
• Savings in utility bills

About Us
As a small woman-owned and operated business, each and every customer is important to SolarFlairLighting.com.

We enjoy helping customers choose the products right for their needs, and explaining differences that factor into function and price.

SolarFlairLighting.com encourages customers to call us with any questions during the product selection process and beyond. Your answers will be from somebody with a strong knowledge of our inventory and solar lighting.

We work solely with US manufacturers and distributors, and most of our solar lights are designed and made by companies that specialize in solar technology.

Shop Safely with SolarFlairLighting.com
Along with secure checkout, we undergo regular audits for compliance with the Payment Systems Council Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), which lay out security requirements merchants must use to protect customer information. We never share or sell customer email addresses or other information and never record or even see your credit card information.

We are committed to helping customers shop safely online. We regularly post articles on how you and your family can help protect your online privacy, identify reputable vs. questionable online stores, and avoid tricks some merchants play on online price comparison sites.

Contact Us Today!
With free shipping on all orders within the contiguous US, we offer discounts on bulk orders of our solar lights. For details, email info@solarflairlighting.com or call (866) 686-6903 today! And, if you see the same products online for less, contact us as we meet or beat competitors' prices whenever possible!

Solar Lighting: Today's Smart Choice!