you taken a position on Bill
Clinton's actions against the
women he has been associated
with; starting with his wife,
the wives of other men, young
women interns, business associates,
classmates, etc.? If there was
anyone who deserved your taking
a position on his actions, it
would seem to me that he should
top your list. His actions are
setting back the rights and
respect for women which so many
have worked so hard to improve.
I will look for your response.
- George
for your note to FEMINIST.COM.
Because we are an organization
made up of many individuals
with many individual opinions--it
is not possible for us to have
a formal response. Personally,
I'm confused. I voted for Clinton
twice--both times knowing that
he was not faithful. I put the
Monica Lewinsky case in this
category--and therefore, don't
have a problem with it. The
biggest problem I have with
this case is how she was interrogated
by the FBI, deceived by Linda
Trippe, destroyed by the media
and made out to be a victim
by many. From what I can tell,
she's a young woman who knew
what she wanted and consented
to it. I see the Paula Jones
case very different. And the
Kathleen Willey case different
from both of these. I voiced
my opinions against Clarence
Thomas and Senator Packwood--because
I knew the strong sexual harassment
cases that had been laid out
against them. I think Anita
Hill has said it best....."we
need to know the difference
between making a pass and sexual
harassment." If we don't--and
if Starr gets his way, we will
have a workplace environment
where men and women can't even
talk to each other without fear
of attack. To date--we clearly
don't have enough information
to make conclusions about this.
Sorry I can't offer some deeper