I don't have an answer to your
question, I did want to write
to encourage you to clarify/correct
your question/inquiry. As defined
by law--sexual harassment involves
a "superior" over an employee,
student, etc... It involves
1.) quid-pro-quo--do this or
I'll do that or 2.) uncomfortable
environment to the point that
you have to change your circumstances.
"Sexual Harassment," legally,
is a part of the larger and
much more inclusive "sex discrimination,"
which includes harassment based
on sex. While what is happening
in these prisons is clearly
wrong and harassment based on
gender, I'm not sure that it
fits into the legal definition
of "sexual harassment." You
should contact the Women's Prison
Association to learn more--I'm
sure they hear stories like
this a lot. I hope this helps
and good luck.