guess I consider myself a feminist.
Generally speaking, I am a liberal,
but I found it unfair that you
made such vast generalizations
in your advice column. I am
a pro-life, female, and against
capital punishment. The platform
for those that are pro-life
should certainly not be based
on choice, but on life, thus
the coined term, pro-life. If
anyone considers themselves
such, and is also pro-capital
punishment, it is abhorrent.
But no great majorities of people
are so vastly and visibly hypocritical,
and I found it rather offensive
to generalize in terms of the
for your note to FEMINIST.COM
and for taking the time to write
and share your opinions. I do
want to clarify that there are
many individuals and organizations
(Operation Rescue, Christian
Coalition, Independent Women's
Forum) that are both "pro-life"
and "pro capital punishment."
Unfortunately, I think that
your being "pro-life" and "against
capital punishment" is not common
in "pro-life circles." Thus,
bringing me to the conclusion
that it is not about "life"
at all, but about both the right
to choose and the rights of
Also, I support that you may
not choose to have an abortion
because you are "pro-life."
However, I don't support that
you might prevent others from
making this choice about their
own lives.